Our secret (part 1) ⚡

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It was a quiet evening and I was sitting with my bestfriend in the Slytherin common room. She was a Slytherin, but I never really minded them. Well... maybe for one.

Tom Riddle, a tall and charismatic Head boy, got on my nerves basically since the first moment I laid eyes on him. It wasn't because he was mean and made fun of the less smart students. It was the opposite, actually.

First of all, he was beautiful. Why deny it? He was beautiful, and he was well aware of it judging by his smirk never leaving his face.

Secondly, he treated everyone he talked to with respect and dignity, never humiliated or insulted anyone, no matter what kind of a mistake they made.

Whenever I saw him wondering in the corridors during his duties, he looked neutral and didn't yell at anyone. His grades were not worth mentioning. From what I've heard, he got the best score in every subject and he didn't have to put in any effort. I wouldn't even wonder if he got Outstanding from every exam later this year.

Even now, when I was watching him reading some very old- looking book by the fireplace in the corner of the room, he looked like the most innocent and kindest person ever. There weren't many boys who would be into studying and books like Tom and it was really tempting to rise up from the sofa and go talk to him.

Not that I would know what I would speak with him about as he seemed very well educated in every topic I could only think of. Maybe he would consider me dumb and not worth his time. After all, I wasn't a pureblood like the people that used to accompany him in his free time.

I had to bite my lip when he turned a page in his book and slightly furrowed his eyebrows like the chapter he was reading was confusing. Then, before I could do something to prevent it, his eyes locked in mine even though he was sitting quite far away from others.

I quickly looked away, while blushing like I was in love with him. I wasn't. In love. Or was I?

Shaking my head, I turned to face my friend to talk about the new clothes she bought during the holidays. Unfortunately for me, she had other plans.

"Stop pretending you hate him and go talk to him. I dare you, Y/n." Daphne grinned at me. "You have nothing to lose. He is a loner and I think he would appreciate to have a meaningful conversation with you."

"Why with me? There's a plenty of girls better than me."

"You're just as smart as him. Just as cunning and beautiful. It doesn't mean he won't talk with you only because you're not from Slytherin. Touch his lips!" She whispered to my ear and I couldn't help but gasp so loud everyone in the room had to hear me.

"Are you crazy? Absolutely not. Yes, he is beautiful, but I won't risk he will cut my hand off..."

"Oh please! He's not cruel, you know it. Only quiet and mysterious."

I looked at Tom and sighed. "Alright. But if something happens to me, it will be only your fault!"

Daphne smiled and wished me good luck before I got up and headed straight to the Headboy. As soon as I reached the sofa where he was sitting comfortably, my courage left me.

I'm crazy. I have to be crazy because a normal person wouldn't do this.

I had never exchanged more than a few glances and sentences with Tom before, mainly because I was the Prefect and he, as a Headboy, gave me orders about what duties I had to do.

"Hey," I said, my voice so quiet it was more like a whisper.

Tom just raised his hand, signaling me to wait. It took about a minute before he closed the book he had been reading. His gaze made me extremely nervous. He looked unreal up close, his almost black eyes with long eyelashes... His flawless skin, slender fingers...

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