I made a mistake PART 1 🌧️

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This is a requested post for my friend, so instead of Y/N, I'm using a real name this time- Stephanie 🩷

Please, listen to the song Ex de Verdad to know which song Steph sings in the story. Enjoy!



Moving on after our break up was actually worse than I expected and her as a Slytherin, a Prefect to be more precise...

It was difficult seeing her talking with other boys and even girls and smiling like she wasn't hurt by our break up. Maybe she truly wasn't.
Maybe it was only me who felt miserable the last month.

Stephanie was a person I was eager to see every day even before I thought about starting a relationship with her.  She was someone who proved me that not every girl is obsessed with wealth and social status, because I had no extra money to spend on her.

She didn't mind me behaving the way I'd behaved, she accepted all my flaws and always tried to listen to me and help me. Even though I didn't deserve it. At all.

But after some months, I could no longer watch her happiness slowly fading away, so I backed away and broke up with her without saying a proper reason.

What I didn't understand was her ability to adapt to every kind of situation. Even to the bad one. I thought that such a kind and vulnerable soul like her would be heartbroken and sad, but it was the exact opposite.

She turned into a sunshine whenever I saw her in the corridors or in the classrooms and some part of me was happy for that. But I was also confused at the same time.

Did our relationship meant nothing to her? How on earth was she able to move on so fast?

It was a calm Friday evening, all the students were already in their dormitories and I was just on my way to the room given to Prefects to give them the schedule for the next week.

Then I heard her.

Just before opening the door and walking inside, my heart stopped beating for a second when I heard her beautiful voice accompanied with quiet sobs.

She was singing. In her native language I didn't bother to learn to prove I cared about her more.

I remembered all the nights when she used to sing me some of her favourite Spanish lullabies when I was struggling to fall asleep. I never felt embarrassed for that actually. Her soft voice filled with love and kindness always helped me to get out of the anger and hatred which accompanied me every day.

I listened to the song with my ear pressed on the door. I could recognize some words, I knew some meanings, but I never really bothered to actually learn it.

My breathing increased when she stopped singing all of a sudden and I fought the urge to burst inside as soon as she started crying loudly.

I clenched my fists and bit the inside of my cheeks so hard it drew blood.

Maybe I could...

Should I?

After all she used to be my girlfriend...

She used to be my Stephanie...

My precious, beautiful and caring Steph.

I realized I was wrong. I realized she was more heartbroken than me, that she was in fact much more skilled in hiding her emotions. I would swear she was happier without me because her face looked like she didn't think think about me once...

I was wrong and I made a mistake by cutting her off my life like that.

Reaching for the door, I took a deep breath. Then I thought... What it this has nothing to do with me? What if she's sad about something else? Not everything turns around me...

A few voices could be heard from the nearby Great hall. I stepped back from the door and left to the Slytherin common room thinking:

I'm Tom fucking Riddle. Since when am I such a coward?


I just put all the parchments in their organisers and wanted to prepare for the meeting of Prefects when I heard some noise.

Rushing to the door, I opened it wide to see the person who wanted to get in, probably some bold first year. But to my surprise, I didn't see anyone. Only...

The strong and familiar cologne hugged me as soon as I stepped in the hall.

Tom? I thought, wondering why on earth would he come here.

Maybe some other boy went by the room and uses the same cologne as my ex boyfriend, that's it. Yes. Probably.

I bit the inside of my cheek when a group of other Prefects showed up behind the corner, laughing and chatting. At least they'll make my mood better if anything else.

I exchanged looks with the Hufflepuff guy who asked me out not long ago and who was kind to me even though I was a Slytherin. The thing is, I wasn't ready to move on. Maybe I never will be.

Tom was, is and will be the only man I'll ever love.

Yes, he told me he's breaking up with me on a random day earlier this month without telling me a reason. It was useless asking him to ask him since he was too stubborn.

I would lie, though, if I said that I didn't miss him, because I did. And I dreamed he'd missed me too...

At least sometimes.


The common room was loud like on any other day, but I sat in the furthest corner right by the fireplace together with Nott.

Before I decided to join the other Slytherins and spend the evening with them, I stopped by in the library for a Spanish dictionary. The song Steph sang in the Prefect's room was still stuck in my brain and I had to learn what she was singing about.

The book was so heavy that I had to put it on the table. Usually I was used to reading while laying in my bed and the book was on my lap. This time it wasn't possible, only if I would be willing to break the bones on my thighs.

Theodore's eyes glanced my direction a few times, but he was too much of a coward to actually start speaking. He was seated on the velvet chair across the table, holding his phone- probably waiting for a reply back from one of his bitches- and tapping his leg on the wooden floor.

"Can you stop?" I said, holding my finger on the word that seemed to be the one used in the Stephanie's song. It was much more difficult than I thought at first since some of the words had a very similar pronunciation.

Theodore looked at me with a half smile on his face. "Sorry, Tom. What are you even studying?"

Without answering him, I turned back to the translation and raised my eyebrows.

Yes. This could be the word from the song. Definitely.

"Let me see."

Before I could react, Theodore sat right next to me, his eyes fixed on the list of words. "Why are you... What's going on here? Are you actually learning Spanish?"

"Keep it low, Nott," I hissed at him, closing the book and scanning the group of students who just entered the common room.

Stephanie was one of them...


Hope you enjoyed part 1, and you're welcome to leave requests in the comment section. I'll gladly write something for you as a thank you for all the support I receive.

Please, excuse the potentional grammar mistakes, since English isn't my native language. Thank you, Riddlings! <3

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