Professor Tom Riddle PART 2 ⚡

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Before we start, I need to say that I do NOT support a relationship between a student and a professor. This is just a fiction. Thank you 🤍


You texted professor Riddle if there is any chance for you to take a make-up test, because you didn't have enough time to prepare for it. He offered you to help him in the library and maybe then he would be able to help you.


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"Miss Y/n?" I adressed her, wondering why would she come in here. Why would she risk it.

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you. About my grade..."

I raised my eyebrows and looked around the hall before inviting her in. "They didn't follow you here, did they?"

"I think not. Everyone knows about me that I'm obsessed with reading and they have to think I ran to the library to get a new book before going to my class."

I couldn't stop the smile that her words brought to my face, and I locked the door behind us.

Staring at her flushed face, I moved back to my desk and sat down in my chair. "I hope you are right, Miss. So what exactly did you want to talk about? You passed and that's what you wanted. What is it you don't like about it?"

"I mean... I... " She swallowed and her eyes flashed. "I failed your class, sir. I needed to get an O, but I got..."

"Oh," I jumped in and took a sip of hot coffee. "I said that before, you don't have worry about it. Everything is arranged."

Miss Y/n looked me straight in the eyes. "I'll do anything to-"

I leaned back against the chair and looked at her. She seemed mature for her age, she was intelligent, perceptive. She cared about her education, she admired books...

"How old are you? Sixteen?"

"No, sir. I celebrated my seventeenth birthday at the end of last year," she replied confidently.

Even though we were separated by a
giant table full of study materials, I knew exactly what she wanted. I saw it burning in her eyes. I was only four years older.

"Come. Sit on me," I said, shifting slightly from the table and tapping on my thigh.

It was clear that she didn't expect this request, but she obeyed me. Miss Y/n left her school bag on the floor, walked slowly around the table and sat on my lap. Her eyelashes fluttered as she looked down at me and bit her bottom lip.

"What now, sir?"

I brushed her hair back and our faces were closer than ever when I told her: "It's up to you. You're old enough to know what you want. I won't force you."

Her face burned when I caressed her cheek. Not by being sick again, but by excitement and that's what made me ask
her another question.

"What have you done? What is your experience with men?"

"Well, I..." she began, lowering her eyes. "Nothing.

"Nothing?" I breathed out in surprise and something suddenly woke in me.


"So the almost kiss last week was... your first?"

"I'm sorry," she said, taking a sharp breath. "I was naive. I'm... Too young and too inexperienced for someone like you."

I stopped her by raising my hand. "Do not apologize. I just- I didn't expect that, that's all. Don't worry about the grade."

Before I could push her off my lap, she put her hand on my cheek and kissed me
on my lips. It was more felt than our last one, it was slower and had way more emotion in it.

Our tongues were dancing together and my hands were running through her thick hair as she pulled me closer to her by my tie.

After some time, when we both were breathless, I broke the kiss.

"There will be nothing between us now, doll. Just this," I breathed out. "When you finish school, you will be mine. Only mine, do you understand?"

When she nodded eagerly, I reached up to her neck and sucked on her soft skin until it started to bruise a little.

"You won't speak with boys your age, you won't go out with them. You will spend all your free time in your dormitory, with your girl friends or in the office with me while I'll be working. You will obey everything I'll say like my little pet, do you understand?"

She moaned into my mouth when I kissed her again, making it hard for me to concetrate and stay calm.

"I asked you a question, do you understand?"

"Yes, sir. I do," she said, her voice raspy and quiet.

I slowly let go of her and helped her stand up. "Good girl. Now go to your class and meet me after your duties end."

I watched her leaving my office with messy hair and a hickey on her exposed neck. It was risky, it truly was... But I didn't want to see her dating another boy or man than me.

She was untouched, but that made me want her even more then before and when she graduates... I will show her everything, if she still will be interested in me.

Y/n opened the door and I would swear a smirk appeared on her beautiful face before she walked away.

I reached my hand to finish my cup of coffee and couldn't help but smile too. I knew exactly what I'll do to make the last few weeks at school more pleasant for both of us.



Thank you so much for reading, your likes, comments and follows, Riddlings <3

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