Professor Tom Riddle PART 2 ⚡

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I do NOT support this kind of relationship. This is just a fiction.


-none (more like tension)




I never would have thought I would like teaching that much. Of course, I was excited to show my skills to every student in class but it was too dangerous. No one could know about how good I truly was. If they did, I could say good bye to Hogwarts forever.

To my surprise, Dumbledore hasn't spoken to me ever since I started teaching. I would bet he purposely left the school to avoid meeting with me but I wasn't in a mood to think about the possible reasons. He was only a manipulator. I clearly remember him telling me that he would help me if I needed it, but he never did anything to make me feel wanted at school. All he cared about were the Gryffindors, why would he actually feel the need to help a half-blood orphan.

It stopped raining after some time and now, when the sun was peeking through the clouds, I felt the urge to go outside.

It's been a week since I returned to Hogwarts and I was too busy to do other things than wandering around the places I used to adore seven years ago. I didn't want to think I would get caught. It was better for me to focus on succeeding in every area I needed to succeed.

Finding the diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw was my main mission here. Nothing else didn't matter. I was too nervous and too scared of failure, but at the same time I knew I was going to find it.

I always got everything I wanted.

I put on a coat, grabbed a random book from the bookshelf and headed outside. I was used to staring girls even when I was only a young Head boy and now, few years older, the stares only intensified. I felt uncomfortable, to be honest. I feared someone could follow me, find out about my plans and end my future. I couldn't let that happen.

I walked as fast as I could to avoid bumping into professors who were so excited to see me following my "dreams", and female students who wanted me to give them private lessons.

The thing is, that I have never had a serious relationship. I wasn't capable of giving women what they wanted not only because I wasn't interested.

I was too focused on my goals and creating horcruxes. I didn't need women. I didn't need them to live a fullfilled life. I didn't need to feel. It was much better to be alone. I realized that after travelling all by myself.

I exhaled deeply when I appeared on empty corridor and didn't hesitate to walk through the opened door. I held my book carefully to not drop it into the muddy ground and enjoyed the feeling of freedom around me. I had no idea where I was walking, but I had to fill my lungs with fresh air, since all I was doing the past days was sitting in the dusty old library.

That place was my ultimate favourite, though. It was the only place at Hogwarts I could do what I enjoyed without being judged all the time. Yes, Chamber of Secrets as well, but... It was too risky to go there again. Books were immortal, they were my friends the only ones I've ever had in my life. I could relate to most of the stories, I could imagine living not so miserable life while reading. None of the books knew who I was, who was touching their precious pages...

I walked through mist floating in the wind and looked around the school area. There was no one who I could trust and admit I actually consider Hogwarts my home. I never had any. The orphanage...

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