Slug Club date PART 2 ⚡

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-none, but expect a lot of tension instead




Tom spent the rest of the afternoon in the Chamber of Secrets. The only company he had was the Basilisk and his hissing.

He went there whenever he wanted or had to clear his head or be alone with his thoughts. He couldn't really concentrate in the common room since most of other students were yelling at each other, gossiping or laughing all the time. So childish. He hated people like that from the bottom of his empty heart.

Tom closed the book as he finished the last chapter, looked at the time on his watches and realized it was almost eight o'clock. He stood up, grabbed his belongings and put them into his old leather school bag.

After Tom closed the entrance to the Chamber, he walked around the crying Myrtle and headed straight to the Slytherin dormitories to prepare for the dinner that would take place in less then thirty minutes.

He didn't really care how Y/n dresses for tonight as long as she comes. Tom never invited any girl to go anywhere with him. He had no idea of what to say or do but it didn't matter, because he had no plans of inviting her again.

Tom wasn't the type of a man that would date and tell romantic words.

His wardrobe consisted of all white or black. To be honest, he didn't know how to dress to a party and he didn't have enough money to spend on the embarassing colourful T-shirts with embarassing designs most of the boys his age wore.

With a sigh, Tom undressed his wet clothes from the Chamber and dressed just like normally did. Black shoes, a plain white shirt tucked in black trousers, he kept his watches, and pinned the Prefect badge on the shirt to let anyone know who is the best.

He closed the wardrobe and looked at his reflection in the mirror to check if his hair looked alright. Then he grabbed his cloak, wand and walked out of his dormitory.

The whole common room went silent as Tom walked through. He felt how everyone stared at him, whispering things and pointing at him, but he didn't bother to say or do anything even though he felt a strong urge to hex them all.

He met a few too happy mudbloods enjoying each other's company after he walked out of the common room. Without any sign of disgust, he went up the moving stairs and his head was full of professor Slughorn and also horcruxes.

There wasn't any other possibility. He has to live forever and that means creating more than one Horcrux...

Tom checked the time and started walking faster. There was still enough time to make it to the party, but the thought of being late because of the girl he invited to go there with him... He wouldn't let her to embarass him like that ever again.

As soon as Tom turned right around a big statue of Hogwarts founders, all the thoughts occupying his head immediately vanished.

Y/n was already waiting for him.

She was dressed in a long gown with long sleeves in a shade of dark emerald green it was almost black. Her golden-brown hair fell down her back in slight waves and few strands of hair framed the beautiful face of hers.

She was clearly not very comfortable, but Tom had to admit she looked stunning. He couldn't wish for a better companion.

He started walking closer to her and when she finally heard his steps, she turned to face him. Her eyes enhanced with a light hint of make-up shimmered as the most precious jewels. Tom noticed how nervous she looked but didn't say anything to make it even worse. She had to be confident and get rid of all the useless emotions.

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