I will protect you PART 1 🌧️

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You and Tom are already 22 years old and you're in a long distance relationship.

You two were communicating over text messages, but it's been more than a two weeks since you sent him your last message. Tom immediately knew it had to be because of your abusive family. He wanted to punish them a few years ago when your father first laid his hands on you. You told him not to do it, though.
This time it was different. He finds out your father broke your ribs after kicking you hard, while your mother watched. You then ran away from your home...


-abuse, blood, torture, violence

Also, we're extremely delulu, but sometimes it's needed, right?




After turning my phone off, I told my Knights to wait with the business until I'm back again. With Y/n by my side.

If she didn't almost beg me me to spare the lives of her family members, I wouldn't hesitate a second to punish them for how they treated their only daughter.

We were done with school already and I had been doing great. Unfortunately, I was not allowed to teach at Hogwarts, so I moved from England for real this time, leaving the past behind. Y/n was trying to convince me to let her travel around Europe with me many times, but I didn't alow her to. For obvious reasons.

She had no idea what I was obsessed with and what I had to do in order to be the greatest sorcerer in the world. She didn't have any idea how rich and skilled I got after the few years after graduating and maybe it was the right time to let her see how much her boyfriend changed.

A few years ago, I couldn't afford buying her what she wanted or what she would deserve for her endless amount of support and loyalty. Yes, she told me she didn't want expensive presents, that me being with her was more than enough. Still, I wanted to show her my gratitude.

My blood was boiling in my body after I imagined what my darling had to go through. Only the image of the stupid bastard, her father, hitting her...

I grabbed my wand just in case, even though I was able to do wandless magic, and apparated back to England to find her. Give her the life she deserved to live. No more abuse.

The cold weather caught me off guard as well as the rain and mud all over the town.
Taking a deep breath, I opened my phone and noticed Y/n had to be no more than a mile away from me thanks to the GPS tracker I'd installed. I looked up at the clouds and it was sure to say that it was going to start raining again.

I headed north and ignored the stares of others while walking like a mist over the lake. Silent, elegant and unbothered.

It didn't take me a long time to find the small tent standing near the forest and then finally seeing my girlfriend sitting in front of it with such sadness in her face that I seriously considered apparating to her house and end the rest of her bloodline.

It was too tempting, but I clenched my fists with such force that it. Taking a few steps ahead, Y/n immediately raised her head and ran towards me once she realized it was me who found her secret place.

She sighed when I finally held her in my arms, my chin rested on top of her head. Y/n was so kind, fragile and vulnerable... She was a person who would never hurt a fly, she was innocent and didn't deserve any of those nasty things which had happened to her.

"I won't leave you alone anymore, darling," I told her, my voice more like a whisper. "Does it still hurt?"

I carefully let go of her, brushing my fingers over her bruised cheek and kissing her on her busted lips as gently as possible. It had to hurt so bad because she frowned and winced a little.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you," I said, caressing her wet arms as it started to rain again.

"You could never hurt me, Tom," she sobbed, looking up at me with so much hope and love that I had to look away.

Why? Because I was ashamed and I felt... Yes, I felt bad. For the first time, I felt disgusted with myself.

When I'm finished with all the horcruxes, I will lose it all. My appearance and her as well. I didn't deserve to find a woman so kind and loyal like my dear Y/n. She was irreplaceable and I hoped to never witness her crying once she realizes it all. Once she sees who I really am.

"Is everything alright? Are you mad at me for not telling you about what has happened to me?"

"I am, but not at you. I have to tell you something important, darling. I should have done it many years ago, but I was a coward who was scared you would leave me and hate me for it. I- I have to you the truth because you deserve to know all of it."

"What is it, Tom? I'm scared..."

"Do you remember how I told you about my dream of becoming a powerful wizard?"

She nodded before moving her soft hands behind my neck. "You will achieve your dream, Tom. I believe in you."

"The thing is that I already am very powerful. I even- I even have an army of creatures and wizards all over the world who are ready to support my goals..."

She gasped. "What? How? It's been only five years since we left the school... Five years of us being in a long distance relationship... I knew you could do it, but that fast?"

I attempted to smile a little, show at least some of the emotions I felt. "Come with me, Y/n. I want to show you the place I bought with my own money. Our home."

Y/n opened her mouth to say something, but I was faster.

"If you allow me to kill them, I will do that with pleasure, darling. If anyone dares to touch you again, I won't be that kind and I will let them feel my anger. I won't ignore it anymore."

"Do you really want me to live with you?" She frowned a little. "Why did you change your mind? I thought... You mentioned that your business was too dangerous..."

"Not for you, I will protect you. Way more than I was able to when we were at Hogwarts. I want to share with you everything what's been going on in my life. And I hope... I hope you won't hate me and leave me after you find out who I really am."

"I won't hate you, Tom. You areambitious, I've always been aware of
that. I want to see the place and meet your... friends. It would be an honor to see all of that."

I grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear: "They will treat you with respect, darling, because I call myself a Dark lord now. Tom Riddle no longer exists for anyone but you. I own my followers, I own their bodies, their minds... And if any of them only dares to attempt to hurt you, I will kill them."

Without waiting for my girlfriend's answer, I apparated us right in front of our mansion. All of the uncertainities vanished when she smiled even though she still had to be in pain from all the abuse she'd endured in the past weeks.



Thank you so much for reading!!
The next part is coming on Monday, Riddlings <3

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