Happy birthday 💘

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You were sitting in the Great hall, thinking about the fact that none of your friends remembered your birthday. Suddenly, you got a text message from Tom Riddle asking you why you look so sad...

(We're delulu, but who cares, right?)


mentions of anxiety, stress and blood


Would you like me to write a story about Tom proposing and having a wedding? Do you want him to be soft and romantic, marrying Y/n willingly? Or would you rather read a story about an arranged marriage (kinda like hate to love trope)? Let me know, please <3




Tom didn't reply to my next text, so I simply turned my phone off, raising my head to see him watching me from the Slytherin table. His expression was emotionless as always until he suddenly straightened on his seat, scanning the Great Hall hall. I would swear he looked pleased with himself for some reason.

I couldn't believe that Tom Riddle, a Slytherin, was the only one who remembered my birthday. All the people who I considered my friends forgot, and Tom, a boy who didn't talk with anyone, who probably didn't have any close friends...

It made sense that a person like him would notice everything around him and even though we didn't talk much, I was grateful that he cared. I didn't expect this. Not when I was used to be on my own most of my life.

My throat tightened and tears flooded my eyes before I could lower my head again and pick the skin around my fingernails to fight my anxiety like I did basically every day. Sometimes I cried for no reason at all, sometimes I couldn't even fall asleep...

It didn't take long and a few owls entered the Hall to bring letters to the students.

I was just about to stand up and leave to my dorm, when a very small package wrapped in a simple old paper fell right in front of me. I frowned a little, looking around with confusion painted on my face. Was this a mistake? Did the package belong to someone else?

No, it didn't. It was truly for me.

I noticed my "friends" next to me stopped with their conversation and watched me tearing the wrapping paper. I ignored them and everyone else in the Great Hall when I saw what was inside- a ring.

A plain metal ring and on top of it was a little bird with spread wings. I gasped when I found out that I could spin the bird's wings... I already knew it was going to be a way better option to find my relief throughout the day than picking at my skin until it bled.

The girls around me started asking me what I got and from who, but I didn't answer. Instead, my eyes drifted to the Slytherin table. I couldn't help but smile at Tom even though the girls and everyone else could see it if their turned around. The gratitude I felt for him couldn't be decribed. Tom seemed like the type of a person who cared only for himself, not for a random unimportant student like me...

Right when I wanted to hide the wrapping paper in my bag to throw it out later, I found a little note hidden inside.

I hope you won't feel the need to
use the ring too often. But in
case you do, it could help you
deal with the stress. I'm not the
best when it comes to talking,
but I am a very good listener in
case you want to talk about
what's been bothering you.

Happy birthday,

- T.R.


Seeing how Yn's eyes shined with happiness immediately after opening the present from me... It made me so much calmer for some odd reason. I didn't really know why I gave her a birthday present. Was it because I've never in my life received any? Because I knew how it felt being ignored by everyone around me? Maybe.

It was actually a nice feeling knowing I made someone that happy only because of a basic metal ring. The girl was a Ravenclaw, that's why I charmed the ring to take a form of a bird.

There was no other reason for giving her a ring.

I was aware of her anxiety and I couldn't help but wonder how long she's been able to hide it. Maybe the spinning ring could help her, I thought after looking at the girl again. I knew how difficult it was to ask for help, and this was the least I could do to make her feel at least a little better. Not that I would become her friend after this, absolutely not. I didn't want to have friends.

I wrote her that I would be able to listen if she needed to confide to someone, though. And I didn't mean to break my promise.



Thank you for reading this extra short story, Riddlings.
Next upload will be on Friday. Take care <3

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