I missed you ❤️‍🔥

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This story was requested by one of my followers on Tiktok. I also used her name instead of Y/n. Thank you for being so excited and for your kind words, Esme!!


🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️/ 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️




Being without my boyfriend for a few hours was alright, I still managed to survive. But being without him for more than a few days was a literal torture.

Because the exams were around the corner- they were about the happen in less than a month- Tom told me not to bother him. I wasn't really sure why he had to study so hard since he was on top of every single subject I could think of. So when he said he wanted to be alone, I was honestly confused.

I missed his touch, his voice, his presence... Everything. So fucking much.

Tom Riddle was like some kind of a drug. Once I got a taste of him, once I found out how great it was to share everything with him including my body, I needed him more and more. And I was sure that this feeling would never go away. Most of the days, it only took a few hours of me being left alone and I became moody and grumpy until he came back to me.

Was I embarrassed of being so clingy and needy for him? Not at all, even though some people could call me desperate or even obsessed.

Maybe I was, but I didn't really care.

The castle was calm as it was past curfew, only a few Prefects wandered in the darkness of the wide corridors. It was a Saturday evening and most of the students had to be drunk after the Gryffindor party which took place in the Room of Requirement. I knew for a fact that Tom would never go to any party, let alone a party hosted by the Gryffindors. He didn't like them. At all.

And me? Well, even as a pureblood descendant of Helga Hufflepuff, I was very lucky that Tom liked my presence. Many people found Hufflepuffs boring, they said we had nothing to offer and that we were useless but it was not true at all. We just didn't have to threaten everyone and constantly prove that we were much better than the other houses. We had many things to offer.

As a Head boy, Tom had the privilege to have his own room which was a big advantage. He didn't like spending time in the noisy common room and sharing everything with a few more boys in the dormitory. According to him, he didn't need to speak to anyone, he didn't want to listen to their boring conversations.

I was so needy for him after those few days without seeing him and talking to him. I've had enough. I had to visit him now, no matter how angry he will be that I didn't obey him.

Before walking in the Slytherin common room, I checked my hair and make-up in my little compact mirror. Of course I had to look perfect, it would be actually kinda embarassing if Tom's hair looked better than mine... But, well, it did most of the days. Why would I lie?

His hairstyle was always perfect, even when he woke up in the morning or even when he walked in the rain. Maybe he invented some spell to make his hair look flawless, I could honestly imagine him standing in front of the mirror in his bathroom, mumbling words and experimenting with his hair.

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