The library ❤️‍🔥

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This story contains explicit content.
Y/n- Jill is on the potion preventing her to get pregnant, hence the finishing inside.

Also, I don't feel comfortable writing sex scenes while knowing they are all minors... That's why I imagine all of them being aged up a little and Hogwarts being a university (not only in this story but in all of my spicy ones, just so you know). If you're still uncomfortable, don't continue reading, plese.



Looking up from the parchment, Tom Riddle didn't even bother to hide how annoyed he got after noticing a group of giggling girls walking in the library.

It was a lovely Sunday, and if he remembered it well, today was the day when the students were allowed to visit the little village near Hogwarts, Hogsmeade. Not having parents or any legal guardian to sign the needed papers, Tom was obviously not allowed to go there. He didn't really mind as he hated sweets and the famous butterbear even made him want to vomit the moment he tasted it for the very first time.

It took only a second to see the flushed faces of the girls to be completely sure of one thing. They came here to see him.

He hated it. He hated that he had always been forced to pretend he didn't mind their obsession with him. Tom was a little confused at the same time, though. After all, he was an orphan, he didn't have any money and he wasn't talkative at all. To add, he was a murderer.

All he did in his free time was roaming through the castle, looking for new hidden passageways in the castle, and reading. Why would they all feel the need to watch him like a prey? Why wouldn't they leave him alone? There were enough guys they could simp for... Why him?

Tom Riddle looked up again when a familiar voice echoed in the library. It didn't take a long time and a Ravenclaw girl with short, chocolate brown hair joined her friends.

"Sorry for being late," she called out and laughed. "The captain of our Quidditch team wanted to make sure we remember all of the new strategies and I had to take a shower because I was so damn sweaty. I don't even have the mood to go to Hogsmeade, can you believe that? There's too many assigments left to finish."

Tom almost didn't blink so that he wouldn't miss any detail. The way she moved, the way her eyes shined in the dimney lit library... He lowered his gaze to see she was carrying too many books in her arms, clearly struggling as she had no one to help her. At least she came here to actually study, unlike her friends who were present in the library just to watch him like some extinct animal.

Jill, that was the name of the Ravenclaw Prefect, walked around his table, her frangrance making Tom lose his mind. It was not the first time he had felt that way.

Sometimes when he struggled to fall asleep after a busy day, he would think about what noises she would make after being touched by him. He would close his eyes and imagine her running her hands through his hair, moving them up and down his scarred back. For the past few weeks, all it took for him to go off was the thought of her smiling.

Jill seemed to be so innocent and quiet, only focusing on studying and books just like Tom did. He would give anything to make her raise her voice, scream his name and allow him to take care of her, to touch her. He knew her skin had to be smooth, he was sure that her shortly cut hair was soft and-

Tom cleared his throat when the thought of him tearing Jill's uniform off her body, and worshipping her caught him off guard.

No. Not now. It has to wait until I'm alone.

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