Flashing Tom ❤️‍🔥

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🌶️/ 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

Hi! Before we get into it, I have one question. What would you want me to write next week?

1. Tom seeing your new tattoo (enemies)

2. Tom watching you move on after breaking up

3. Tom being clingy

4. You can request something

Let me know, please <3




Being Tom Riddle's rival had its pros and cons. I could basically tell him anything I wanted and all he could do about it was roll his eyes or simply walking away.

I knew he loved being the best student at Hogwarts and since I was right behind him in all of the subjects, I had to motivate him a lot to be better and better. Tom surely didn't want to hurt me and lose his only motivation.

Today went by pretty quickly. I met with my friends from another House to have lunch with them and then they left me at my dorm to study for the upcoming exam from Defense Against the Dark Arts. I loved Hogsmeade and I would love to go with them, but I needed to be better than Riddle. At least once in my life.

The sudden knock on my door interrupted my revising and I closed the book.

"Just a minute!"

The only thing I had on me was a sweater, stockings and my underwear. Of course I had to change... What if some professor paid me a visit? This would be so embarrassing.

The person behind the door knocked again. And again. And once more.

"Fucking assholes..." I muttered when I realized it could be the group of the crazy boys who enjoyed pranking the entire school.

I reached for the door, opened it wide and my mouth opened in shock because it was Tom Riddle, smirking and shaking his head.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him as he walked in without being invited and headed straight to my bed covered in books and notebooks.

"Hey! I asked you something, Riddle."

Tom turned his head and raised his eyebrows. "And I chose to ignore it."

I gasped when he made himself comfortable on my bed and started going through my notes.

I closed the door again and crossed my hands on my chest because I had nothing underneath the sweater. I hated wearing bras.

"Is this supposed to help you during the exam, Y/N?" asked Tom once he was done looking at my stuff. "I wouldn't be surprised if you failed this time."

"What are you even doing in here? Nobody asked you to come and bother me. Get out. Now."

Tom's eyes met mine before he focused on my exposed legs. "Judging by your... outfit, it looks like you've been waiting for someone to come. I can basically see your whole chest," scoffed Tom and rose from the bed to face me.

"Oh really?" I smirked, grabbing the sides of my sweater and pulling it up to flash him. "What would you say now?"

Something gleamed in his gaze as he watched my exposed breasts, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he walked towards me with hunger painted on his face and pulled down my sweater.

"I would say that you're acting like a whore, Y/l/n."

"I've never even had a boyfriend, Riddle. I've never done the things you're accusing me of," I said with a grin. "This was the only way to shut you up. Now you can go. Bye."

I turned my back against him, waiting for him to start arguing with me again. But he did something I'd never thought I could want that much. Something I wouldn't think he would do.

He snaked his left hand around my waist to press my back against his body. His right hand then squeezed my breast with such force I yelped, my nipples hardening almost instantly.

"Don't tell me you're still untouched," Tom said and his breath tingled on my cheek as his hand didn't stop massaging my breasts. "If you are, then-"

"Then what..."

"Then you'll be mine. I'll be the first man to kiss you. The first to fuck you. I'll be the only man in your life you allow to touch you. Understood?"

He turned my body so I would face him, and his eyes glowed when he asked again: "Do you understand?"

He pulled me closer when I still didn't answer. Close enough to kiss if any of us wanted to.

"Don't test my patience, darling."

"You want me only because you see me as a trophy. Once you get what you want, you'll throw me away like some used goods..."

He chuckled and his fingers intertwined with mine. "Why do you think I haven't said anything even though you have talked with me with such attitude all the time? Don't make me think you're that stupid that you didn't recognize the reason of my behavior towards you."

I swallowed when he suddenly lowered his head, pressed his lips against my neck and sucked on my sensitive skin until he pulled away again, clearly satisfied with the hickey he just made.

"You're mine now, whether you like it or not," he told me, his lips forming a soft smile.

"Why don't you..."

He frowned, clearly annoyed with me talking back. "Why don't I kiss you? Because if I do, if I get the taste of your delicious lips, I will take you right here in your dorm. I wouldn't be gentle. I would fuck you against the wall, so hard that all the little paintings hanging there would fall down."

My throat went dry at the thought and I felt my cheeks turn pink.

Tom turned at me before opening the door of my dorm with a smirk. "You're not ready for me, my dear Y/n. Not yet."



Thank you for reading, Riddlings <3

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