Professor Tom Riddle PART 5 ❤️‍🔥

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Don't read if you're too young or uncomfortable, please. Also, I do NOT support this kind of relationship. This is just a fiction. Thank you.


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Before I knew it, it was the end of the school year and I had just finished my speech as the valedictorian of the class. No, I wasn't exactly thrilled that I had to take it upon myself, but someone had to sacrifice, right?

Professor Riddle and I saw each other every day in the corridors, during classes, or in his office. He moved his private lessons from Sunday to Tuesday so we could spend more time together.

Just the two of us. Without being disturbed.

A stone fell from my heart when I stepped down from the pedestal and joined the other students who finished their studies together with me. Then I looked at the rows of overly happy and proud professors, specifically professor Tom Riddle.

He was the only one not smiling, instead he was piercing me with a look that said: Tonight I'm going to finally make you mine.

I had to blush, because only at that moment he smirked, biting the inside of his cheek.

No. We have made no progress in this direction. The only thing we had the courage to do was random kissing and making out all around the castle, hiding in old classrooms or in the shadows od the library late at night...

We haven't slept together yet, Tom and I made that clear at the beginning of our relationship. We said we would do it when I was no longer his student and he my professor.

Which was today...

I looked at him again, my throat dry as he barely perceptibly jerked his head to signal for me to follow him out of the Great hall.

A few students were about to start a conversation with me, obviously eager to ask me about my future, but I was only focused on the receding silhouette of Tom.

He was heading deeper and deeper into the castle and I was following him without having the slightest idea where he was leading me. I quickened my pace not to lose sight of him, but it was too late.

As soon as I turned around the corner, I lost him. I added to my step until I found myself at a crossroads.

There were only two ways he could go. To the left - towards his office, or to the right - to the girl's bathroom. I immediately ruled out the second possibility and headed left.

And I was right. His office door was ajar.

I walked in and barely turned around when Tom pounced on me. Literally. His mouth travelled from my lips to my neck, then to my jaw, before returning to my lips.

I didn't have time to speak because I could tell how desperate he truly was and how hard he had to try to ignore my presence as well as his desire when I used to be his student.

Moving my hands around his neck, I kissed him back while his hand grabbed my breast and squeezed it as his other hand went under my skirt.

I yelped as he inserted two fingers inside me without warning and I felt him smile before he said: "I've been waiting for this moment for eternity, darling."

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