I want you back 💘

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You and Tom broke up some time ago.
You were trying your best to get over it and you thought you were doing just fine without him. One day, you had to prepare the Amortenia potion and you smelled Tom, your ex boyfriend.
You texted him about how bad you missed him
and Tom asked you to meet him on the Astronomy tower.

💘 Soft Tommy allert 💘




Getting that text from Madina was something I'd expected. I left the professor Slughorn's party without regrets, ignoring the curious stares of my followers Lestrange and Avery. They had no right to question me and my actions.

Some part of me was happy that she didn't want to date another boy, that I was still stuck in her head. I was angry at the same time, though. I was angry she wasn't able to move on and live a life with someone who could actually make her happy.

All I was able to cause in others was pain, tears and fear.

Running up the stairs to be at the Astronomy tower quicker, my stupid heart jumped in my chest after seeing my ex girlfriend standing right in front of me, looking up the stars.

Then, she suddenly turned to face me and I fought a very stronge urge to leave. However, my feelings for the girl were even stronger, so I walked towards her, letting her rest her head on my chest as she hugged me tightly.

Resting my chin on Madi's soft hair, I moved my hands around her waist, inhaling her perfume and enjoying the feeling of having her so close to me.

I missed her too, why would I lie? I missed her immediately after breaking up with her right at the place we were just standing at. I used to be scared of commitment, I used to be terrified of love and everything about that matter. However, the weeks without Madine were the worst in my life. I had never felt so alone and miserable before.

"I don't care what you think about yourself, Tom," she murmured against my chest. "You're amazing, you've always been kind to me, you're caring and you know everything about me. I'm aware you have your secrets but I will never force you to tell me any of them. I'm so grateful you let me see some parts of your life... I don't expect more. You are not a monster, you deserve to be loved."

My hand went up her body until I reached the top of her head which I stroked with my palm. Then, I pulled her away from me to see her face and eyes shimmering underneath the moonlight.

"It was a mistake to break up, I shouldn't have done that," I told her and the smile appearing on her face was the best thing I saw today.

"Really?" Madina asked, one tear running down her flushed face. "Does that mean you..."

Lowering my head to place a kiss on her forehead, I replied: "Yes, Y/n. I want you back."

She started sobbing quietly as I brought her closer to me again. I didn't want to let go of her. Ever. She belonged to me and I didn't care what kind of fate had been given to me. She was mine and I would do anything to protect her from any kind of harm.

Some parts of my ice-cold heart cracked as she pressed her soft hand on my chest, whispering: "I will try my best to be the best girlfriend. I will try my best to be the best listener and advisor."

I didn't need to force the smile appearing on my face and seeing all the gratitude and kindness in her gaze was everything I needed to realize that I won't regret my decision. I should have never ended our relationship at the first place but maybe it was needed so I could appreciate it even more.

"You can call me Tommy again if you want to, my darling. I want to make you happy and I know how much you liked to call me the nickname. It is only you who is allowed to call me that, though."

She giggled and right when I heard the beautiful noise, all the remaining ice coating my heart completely melted away. I became vulnerable, Madina was my weakness, but for the first time in my life I didn't mind.



Thank you for reading, Riddlings. This is a rather short story (I chose the name of my dear Madina instead of Y/n) but I have been focusing on my fanfiction and other stuff...

I hope that you enjoyed this soft side of Tommy.
See you next week <3

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