I love you 💘

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If you don't really like soft Tom and would rather read the canon version of him (being charming yet manipulating, him
not being able to feel love...)
Then I would suggest you looking at my
fanfiction called CALL ME ANNE.
I posted some info about trigger warnings and tropes and I'm planning to post the first chapter in less than two weeks.


🩷🩷🩷 / 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

-soft Tommy, we're extremely delulu this time (but we love it, right?)




You still couldn't believe that the Tom Riddle showed interest in you and started dating you. Not after you've been in love with him since the day he became a Head boy.

It wasn't just his looks what made you fancy him so much. It was also his ability to calm you down without making much effort, it was the way he was there for you whenever you were sad or disappointed over some test.

All you were thinking about was that a boy like him simply cannot have any insecurities. But you were wrong.

You both agreed that you would spend the evening in his dorm, because Tom's Head boy duties seemed pretty exhausting sometimes, and you wanted him to relax and not just study all the time. He didn't need to because he would still get Outstanding from every single subject. No matter how difficult the level of the exam was.

You knocked on the door of his room, him as a Head boy had the privilege of having his own one. Tom didn't answer, so you walked in. He told you not to worry if he's not there, because he probably had some business to do somewhere in the castle.

After taking off your robes, you made yourself comfortable on Tom's bed when you saw it. Some book or a diary.

You immediately recognized Tom's chaotic hand-writing after taking a look inside. He always wrote like that when he was stressed about anything or on a hurry, his usual cursive nowhere to be found.

You wanted to put it away when you thought it would be just some academic things, but it had nothing in common with studying. You didn't want to be nosy, but seeing which kind of things he wrote there about... It hurt.

Tears started gathering in your eyes after you flipped the page, your trembling fingers touching the sentence he started the new paragraph with.

Seeing my darling staying with me after what she has ever heard about me makes me incredibly happy. Still, I do not deserve her being so kind to me. I've never in my life expected to have someone like her in my life, someone who would love me unconditionally...

You wiped your eyes and turned to another page, uncapable of finishing reading the previous one.

Tonight, Y/n told me she loved me for the first time when I took her to the Black lake. I was happy, very happy to hear her saying those two words, but at the same time I was angry with myself. I will never be capable of reciprocating her feelings the way she would expect and deserve. Someone so pure, kind and honest like her... I want to love her, I want to tell her the things other boys tell their girlfriends, but I cannot. Something in me doesn't allow it no matter how badly
I want to be able to change.

Her calling me nicknames, especially the name Tommy, makes my ice old melt. In a good way. I enjoy her being clingy, I enjoy her touching my hair... I have no idea why, but the more time we spend with each other, the more I am sure that I won. That no other person in this world has a better partner.

You sobbed again, your heart aching in your chest as you turned another page. Tom wrote there about how sad he feels when he sees you smiling at him because you don't have any idea that he's just a heartless human being with no chance to-

The door of the bathroom suddenly opened and you closed the diary just when Tom walked out of the steamy room dressed in warm pyjamas. It was a little bit unusual seeing him wearing something else than the school uniform, but he looked great in everything. He was great and amazing in your eyes, no matter what he wrote in his diary.

"Hi, Tommy... I brought some books and journals to draw in," you said when he walked towards you with a shy smile, kissing you on your forehead before hugging you.

You then stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek and the seductive smell of his cologne made you weak in your knees. Everything he did or said made you feel like that, actually. At least he didn't notice your teary eyes, you thought...

"Welcome, darling. That sounds good."

Just when he sat on his bed, reaching for the fluffy blanket, his eyes fell on the closed diary which you forgot to return on its previous position. Before he could scold you for touching his things and reading his secret confessions, you decided to lay on his chest, positioning your hand over his heart.

"I think I would rather spend the evening in your arms, Tommy. We can read the books some other day... It's late anyways, you need to wake up early."

You sighed when he made you look up at him. Fortunately for you, he didn't seem mad. "I know you read my diary and I- I just want to say that nothing of it..."

You have never seen him struggling with words like that. Tom Riddle being vulnerable was something new and also unexpected, but you loved him even more.

"No, don't say anything. Just... Let me prove you how much I love you. It won't change. Never."

You kissed him gently on his collarbone, jaw and finally on his soft lips. "I can forget I saw it and never bring it up again if that's what you wish."

He inhaled sharply, moving his large hand to cup your cheek when he kissed you back. So carefully like you were a porcelain doll, like he was scared he would hurt you.

"I feel weak just thinking about these things, but I'm fighting with myself and my thoughts daily. It will get better eventually. I'm not ready to confide to a living human being, that is why I talk to my diary. It doesn't judge me."

"It will get better, because the things you wrote aren't true. Not to me. You deserve everything you've earned so far and I'm happy for you. Don't worry about anything. I will be here if you ever feel comfortable talking about it."

"I fear I will keep it to myself and my diary, darling. But thank you. I am very glad for having you in my life and for your support. It's all surreal."

You smiled against his lips and raised your hand to caress his cheek. "No, my love. It's me who should be thankful, because you let me see who is behind the mask on your face."

You kissed him again. "All I see is a young handsome wizard with dreams who can reach his goals no matter how big they are. I see a boy who deserves to be known not only for his intelligence and
beautiful face. You're more than people say about you. And I'm happy you chose me to see it. I forever will."

Before Tom closed his eyes and pressed his soft lips on top of your head, you would swear he nearly shed a tear... And that almost made you cry as well. You never met a human who would think so low about himself and say such horrible things about himself.

You hugged him tightly, rested your head on his chest and listened to the fast beating of his heart while he stroked your hair. Being so close to him was all you've ever wished for.

"Thank you," you heard him whisper to your ear just when you were about to fall asleep. "I will try my best, darling. I- I lo- I love you too."



Thank you for reading, Riddlings <3

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