The Basilisk attack PART 2 💘🌧️

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You're a muggle born witch returning to your dorm from your Quidditch practice when you start hearing weird noises. That is why you decide to text Tom Riddle to help you,
even though you are aware he hates muggles...
He got very angry as expected, he even called you a useless, stupid mudblood and blocked your phone number before he could see your text when you confessed your love to him...


-anxiety, sadness, panic attack


- I am aware that this is a rather long story, but read until the end to witness soft and cute Tommy




The days went by faster than I thought. It's been two months since the day I carried the petrified girl to the Hospital wing.

There were days when I just sat by her bed, watching her face and falling in love with her the longer time I'd spent with her.

Sometimes I read her chapters from my favorite books, sometimes I read her my confessions from my diary, which I would never say to her face. I wouldn't dare.

Yes, in her text message she wrote that she has never stopped loving me and that was something I could have never hoped for. But I didn't deserve her.

Not when I was just thinking about reopening the Chamber. Not then and not now, because I've become a terrible person.

There were days when I walked around like a body without a soul and didn't speak a single word. I either hid in the Chamber of Secrets, or The room of Requirement, or I locked myself in my room thinking about my plans.

I lied. I lied as easily as I breathed and no one suspected me. No one asked me anything.


It was a Saturday morning when I somehow forgot to lock the door of my dormitory. I managed to snap the pages of my diary shut and open the potions book instead bedore Nott and Malfoy burst inside.

"Calm down and tell me what's going on. Has there been another attack?" I highly doubted that, but I had to ask.

Malfoy chuckled as Nott began to speak. "No, but we just saw Rosier destroying the mandrakes... We almost choked with laughter, Tom. You have to see it!"

Destroying. Mandrakes.

With lightning speed, I got up from my chair and stormed out of the dormitory and down the stairs, ignoring everyone who spoke to me.

I did my best not to push the other students too hard out of my way and ran to the greenhouses.

There was only a few weeks left before a potion could be made to revive the petrified. A few weeks. If Rosier got rid of them all and I will have to put up with another long months of not apologizing to Y/n...

I was able to convince everyone that there was an innocent soul behind my innocent face. At least my father was good for something - the fact that I inherited his appearance helped me get out of serious trouble. Many times.

Even so, it cost me a lot of effort to work on myself and not rely on appearance. Unfortunately, it never worked on Dumbledore. No matter what I did or said in his presence.

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