Childhood bestfriends 🌧️

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This short story was requested by my friend Jessi. Hope you'll like it, even though we're not too delulu this time <3




I had been invited to study at the Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I couldn't believe it.

After being told by many that I was crazy when I was growing up in the muggle orphanage, I started believing the rumors. That was until the day an old professor came to visit me and told me I was a witch. Not a crazy girl.

It was a huge shock. It still is.

I have never found out who my parents were, I have never known about the fact that someone from my family could do magic and that their power runs through my veins.

I didn't regret leaving the orphanage, but I wished I could tell about everything to my bestfriend Tom, who disappeared a few years ago.

Some mysterious man took him and they never returned. He was around 11 years old when he left with the man, and now, after 5 years... I would bet he grew into a very handsome boy.

I was nervous when I sat on the wooden stool while being watched by hundreds of students and many professors. I had every right to be nervous. After all, I was already 16 years old. There was no way I could catch up with everything the others have learned so far...

An old wrinkly hat was put on my head, murmured some words before yelling out loud: "SLYTHERIN!"

A loud applause echoed through the Great hall once I stepped up from the pedestal and sat next to a quiet, dark haired boy reading some thick book. The other students didn't even bother to look at me after I joined their table.

"I'm Jessi, nice to meet you," I said, reaching out my hand.

The boy's gaze fixed on my hand and he looked clearly annoyed with me starting a conversation, so I lowered my hand again.

"So... What's your name? I think we are similar age."

He straightened on his seat, closed the book impatiently but carefully at the same time, and I opened my mouth in shock when his eyes finally met mine.

I knew the eyes. I knew the boy.

"I am Tom Riddle."

My heart started beating faster, my head spinned as neither of us broke the eye contact. Instead, I could feel some weird sensation all over my body as he frowned a little bit.

Everything around me got silent.

Tom Riddle was here at Hogwarts. The whole time I was mourning him, I cried because I thought he was hurt and killed by the mysterious man that took him...

My childhood bestfriend, Tom, was now sitting next to me. And he was more than handsome. He was perfect. He was tall, his posture elegant, his face... God. I've never seen a boy who would look so beautiful. And he was into reading! That was a bonus.

His girlfriend is very lucky, I thought.

Speaking of a girlfriend... After a few seconds of us just staring at each other, a blonde Slytherin girl sitting across the table noticed it and cleared her throat.

"Do you know this girl, Tom? I can smell she's a mudblood... Disgusting. And her clothes? Eww."

Suddenly, Tom woke up from the transe and shook his head before opening his book again and saying: "No. I have never seen her before."

Something shattered in me after he said that. He was obviously embarassed of being seen with me, or... Or he really didn't remember me. After all, I was all grown up now.

The blonde girl laughed and started eating her dinner which appeared on the long table along with many other dishes. I lost the appetite the moment Tom got up from his seat and left the Great hall without a word.

The rest of the dinner was a disaster. Nobody talked with me, nobody smiled at me. All I could think about was Tom and his sudden ignorance and memory loss.

Could he really forget about me? I didn't believe it at all. At the orphanage, he knew everything about everyone. Nothing went past him. Ever.

I drank my tea and followed the rest of the students to the Slytherin common room. I walked behind them the whole time until a big hand pressed on my mouth and I was dragged into a dark and empty clasroom.


"Just like when we were younger. Sneaking into forbidden places, making dangerous plans, torturing the creatures muggles call beloved pets... Right, Jessi?"

She let out a deep breath when I let go of her and turned her to face me. All I could see in her pale face was disbelief, sadness and fear. Good. That's exactly what I needed her to feel.

"I thought you didn't remember me," she said, something in her eyes proving I'd hurt her badly.

"Do you think I would tell her the truth? That girl is the queen of gossips here at Hogwarts," I hissed and watched how relieved she got.

"I thought the man, professor Dumbledore, hurt you... I cried for months, Tom. You could have at least sent me a letter that you were alright..."

I recognized she was close to start crying again, but I decided to ignore it. It was better. Way better.

"Look, Jessi. I have changed over the years. All the vulnerability, all the feelings I used to have... It's long gone. But I have never forgotten about you. I was thinking about letting you know, but it was more suitable to leave you there without saying a world."

"But why?" she ask, confusion painted on her face. "We were best friends, we used to tell everything to each other..."

"I know. And it had to stop, because no one could know about the business I was getting interested in. I'm sorry, but you have to accept the reality."

She raised her hand as if she wanted to touch my arm, but I immediately backed away.

"No, Jessi. No!"

"So we... Do we pretend we don't know each other in front of the whole school? I know I'm a nobody and I can see you're happy here, but... I miss my bestfriend. I miss you," she sobbed, tears building in the corners of her sad eyes.

"It's better if it's like that. I'm not the boy you used to know. Not anymore. I'll walk you to our common room, but if you speak a word about knowing me... You'll regret your actions like all the children in the orphanage. Understood?"

One tear fell down her cheek, but before she could realize how much it hurt me to see her like that and speak to her like that, I opened the door and stepped in the cold corridor.

With a frown on my face, I walked down many stairs with Jessi behind me and I pretended I didn't hear her sobbing and breathing heavily.

I pretended I didn't mind breaking her heart, but in reality, I did.

And I hated myself for being so... weak.



I really hope you enjoyed reading.
Thank you and see you soon, Riddlings <3

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