Slug Club date PART 1 ⚡

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-none, but expect a lot of tension instead




Tom was sitting alone in the Restricted section of the library, reading a very fascinating book. Whenever he wasn't wandering around the school's corridors, he was spending his free time either in the library or in his dormitory.

The weather outside was sad and snowy and that meant basically all students were forced to stay inside. Unfortunately for Tom, of course.

Thanks to his excellent grades, he had no troubles convincing professor Slughorn to give him a permission to enter the Restricted section. Ever since Tom has found out the truth about his heritage, he became obsessed with dark magic. There wasn't a day he wouldn't read atleast a few chapters that would help him understand himself a little bit more.

He just finished a chapter about splitting a human's soul when he heard a slight noise coming from the entrance to the Restricted section.

Tom immediately closed the book, hid it inside his old school bag and forced the muscles on his face to form into a smile. The stranger's foot steps got closer and louder. He prepared to face professor Slughorn or another professor, but suddenly...


Tom's forced smile faded as soon as he recognized the Ravenclaw girl who stopped right in front of him. She was a Prefect, too.

Tom had no troubles noticing her full bag of borrowed books. There were so many of them the bag couldn't even be closed properly. He realized he had never really talked to that girl. They saw each other quite regularly in the corridors, but luckily, she wasn't a very talkative person that would annoy him for the whole time of patrolling. He hated people that wouldn't shut their mouths.

The girl's grip on her bag tightened when she broke the eye contact. "I won't bother you, Tom. Excuse me."

"Why?" He asked and noticed her frozen knuckles. She was clearly outside for a long time.

The Prefect frowned a little bit before biting her cracked lips. "I know you prefer to be alone."

"That is true. Thank you for the concern. As long as you don't talk or do anything that would interrupt me, you can stay."

Y/n's eyes pierced into his in shock. He was aware that he just spoke more than everyone expected him to. He also knew that the girl wouldn't boast about it since she didn't have any close friends.

"Alright. Thank you."

Tom noticed how nervous she was when she got rid of her scarf as well as her coat. Before she started studying, she braided her long hair in the shade of gold brown. A few stubborn snowflakes was still sitting on top of her head.

Tom bit his tongue to not point out her nervousness around him, and started working on his essay to Potions.

He must impress professor Slughorn as much as he can so he can ask him some questions about horcruxes. Maybe the girl could help him with that, Tom thought, when she started reading a book he would never guessed she would be interested in.

She might be a Ravenclaw, but deep inside she had to have a few Slytherin traits as well.

After a while, Tom finished his essay and put the parchments carefully in his bag. He then looked at Y/n, who was still reading and was so into the topic she didn't even noticed Tom asking her a question.

"What was it, Tom? Sorry, I always zone out while reading." She smiled slightly and closed the book.

Tom didn't even know why he was afraid the girl would say no to him. Everyone obeyed him. "Tonight, there is a dinner party for the Slug club. We can bring anyone we want. Would you be kind enough to accompany me?"

Y/n opened her mouth, her neat eyebrows on top of her forehead. "Me?"

"Do you need me to to repeat the question?"

"No, I mean- if that pleases you, of course I will come."

Tom had to hide the satisfaction he felt when the girl agreed. "Good. Meet me in front of the Great hall at exactly 8:30 pm. Do not be late and wear something nice to match me."

He watched the girl's confused face as he grabbed his belongings and told her: "Also, prepare to be asked many questions. Professor Slughorn tends to gather information about everyone he meets, see you soon.


You were really surprised that Tom Riddle started talking to you today. And going to the Slughorn's party? With him? You still couldn't believe it. It must have been some kind of a joke or a dare, you thought.

Yes, you were excited, because no other girl was seen in the company of Tom. Like ever. That's what made it kinda weird that he chose you- an ordinary girl from Ravenclaw.

Tom was too charming. You knew how he was with other students- cold, reserved and uninterested. His behavior changed only when he spoke with the Headmaster or professors. You couldn't believe your ears how easy it was for him to lie straight to their faces.

You two never really spoke to each other: Not that you didn't have anything in common, there just wasn't an opportunity to start a conversation with him while patrolling the corridors. Until this afternoon.

He was also very handsome, probably the most beautiful man you have ever met. You were mesmerized by his tall, yet elegant figure. You adored the little curls in Tom's hair as well as his dark brown eyes full of mystery and secrets.

You on the other hand... You would appreciate some boost of confidence. There were many more beautiful girls than you, and that's what made you doubt Tom's invitation was genuine.

You opened the closet to look for a perfect outfit to "match" Tom's. He
didn't tell you anything else, but you were sure he wouldn't agree if you decided to wear the flowery dress you liked to wear during spring. That was basically the only dress you owned. Other than that, you had a few shirts,

skirts and a school uniform. Tom would be mad if you showed up looking so basic even though he wouldn't want to be the centre of attention.

It made sense, you thought. He was a Prefect. You as well. It must have been a strategy to made professor Slughorn think how responsible students you both are. It was clearer than cloudless sky.

What to wear to a party hosted by a professor?

You sighed and closed the closet. There was no chance you would go there looking like you did on daily bases. Theonly way to impress Tom and the others was to borrow a dress from another girl... From a Slytherin girl.



Thank you so much for reading, Riddlings. The next part is coming tomorrow <3

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