Slytherin party PART 2 ⚡

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-none, but you're getting tension instead


I'd love to know what your Hogwarts House is. I'm a Ravenclaw 💙




You had such an amazing time with the Slytherins and you actually wouldn't believe they would accept your relationship with Theo that easily, but you were relieved they did.

Of course, there were few of them
who didn't seem that happy, but it was mostly girls who were jealous of you for some reason.

Theo was so sweet and kind. He asked all the time if you were alright, he brought you your favourite candy from Hogsmeade everytime you did his homework, he hugged you like he was scared you would run away if he didn't give you enough of his attention. Not that you would complain of the clinginess.

Right, you were together only for a few months, but ever since he'd confessed his feelings towards you, you became inseparable.

Theo almost begged you to not leave the Slytherin common room after a whole weekend spent in each other's company. You were sure he loved you, even though he didn't tell the words out loud...

You weren't intimate, yet. Not that you or him didn't want to. The relationship was too short for you to give him your body, your innocence. You knew very well how he was with girls in past, but he didn't seem so desperate to demand the act that would seal the relationship.


The party was amazing. Almost every Slytherin considered as heartless, could be very friendly and also kind if you knew how to speak to them.

The only exception was Tom Riddle, of course.

Every person warned you to be aware of him, but to you, he only seemed like a very insecure person. He was very good in hiding it, though. Whenever you got
the chance to speak to him, you would tease him to find out how would he react.

No, you didn't want to be in danger but you couldn't help but watch the handsome Prefect struggle with words.

Astoria Greengrass let you wear one of her fancy dresses today and you couldn't believe when you saw her walking
towards you with it over her hand when you met in the bathroom an hour ago.

You didn't know what to say when she helped you get into the tight dress that revealed all the ,,right" places of your body. It was a black lace gown without sleeves, your chest was showing a little bit too much, but you were thinking that all the girls will be probably wearing
similar dresses.

Astoria even braided your hair on top of your head and she let you wear a few shiny pieces of jewellery as well.

You didn't believe it when you saw the girl looking at you in the mirror. You weren't wearing your glasses this
evening, but contacts, so your eyes enhanced with black eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara were more prominent. The red lips were too much for you, but Astoria insisted you had to wear them like that.

"You look breathing, Y/n," she assured you. "Theodore will be obsessed with you after today."

You blushed when you imagined your boyfriend's cute smile and left the bathroom you were changing in.

You didn't know what time it was but you were enjoying the party as much as you could. Astoria was right. Ever since Theo saw you standing in front of the table full
of many snacks and drinks, he didn't leave your side.

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