Slytherin party PART 1 ⚡

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-none, but you're getting a lot of tension


Write your name in the comments (if you want) and I will choose one to use instead of Y/n in one of my upcoming stories 😏




Tom was sitting in the corner of a very noisy common room. It was Saturday, none of the students bothered to start their homework- instead, they were planning such an unneccessary event, which was about to take place in a few weeks. A party.

He was so tired of the screaming and laughing of the fellow Slytherins, mostly because he was trying to focus on the essay he had been working on for two hours.

Suddenly, right when Tom was getting ready to move to his calm dormitory, he heard it. He heard her- the Ravenclaw Prefect who had been dating Nott for two months or so.

They were so into each other that it made Tom literally sick.

Nott didn't even try to hide the obsession with her. He was all over her everytime they were together, he was touching her hair, massaging her hands stained with ink everytime she finished his assigments.

Tom wasn't even surprised that the Slytherins didn't mind the girl's company. She was a pureblood, a very intelligent, charming and also responsible student.

Right now, she was sitting on Nott's lap. He was caressing her bare arms, whispering to her. Tom didn't even have to be near them to see the girl blushing, and that was enough for him.

"You two should seriously get a room."

Tom would swear that Nott blushed as well. Nott. Was. Blushing.

"If you had a girlfriend like Y/n, you would have behaved the same way, Tom."

"Yeah, don't be so uptight!" said the girl and showered Nott's neck with kisses while looking straight into Tom's eyes.


Tom turned away from the two impossible love birds, and started packing his things. Uptight? He wasn't uptight!

He rose from the chair, grabbed the books and parchments and when he was ready to finally leave to have some peace and silence, the girl called out: "Which girl will be the lucky one to go to the party with you?"

"Only fools are going to the party, Y/n. I'm certainly not a fool, and even if I went there, I don't need to go with anyone."

"I could ask girls my age from my house, you know? They would be thrilled if you asked them to go..."

Tom blinked a few times and looked away when Nott kissed the girl on her plump lips, one hand wrapped around her waist.

"Look at you, Nott. This girl hasn't even been at Hogwarts for six months. Why did you change that much for her?"

The couple kissed again and Nott didn't even bother with an answer.

It was weird, though. She came to Hogwarts in the end of the fifth year and immediately prove to everyone that she could easily adapt to everything. Nott used to be a different boy before, but since September, when Y/n became a new Prefect, he turned soft and vulnerable.


Days went by and Tom would swear that Nott and his girlfriend became closer and closer. He wouldn't say he hated her for the change in Nott's behavior- not that he couldn't easily stop it himself if it was too much.

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