You are called Y/N Riddle ⚡

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-none (expect tension instead)




It was a calm Thursday until the door of my dorm opened wide and Tom Riddle, my biggest rival here at Hogwarts, stared at me.

He looked furious and confused at the same time, and if I remembered it correctly, his Potions class had just ended.

"Get out, Tom. This is my dorm." I said with quite calm voice before returning to the book I'd been reading until being so rudely interrupted...

I couldn't help myself, though, and had to look up at him again. He was attractive. A lot. Why should I keep denying the obvious fact?

Tom closed the door behind him and crossed his arms on his chest. "Watch your mouth, Y/n. I swear I've had enough of all the attitude today and it's only 9 am."

I took a deep breath, closed the book and smiled only to provoke him. It was actually very easy if you knew how to get under his skin.

"What happened? Did somebody forget that he's supposed to treat you like you're better than everyone else?"

Sitting on my bed, I watched him slowly lose his temper. Good. It was better than the emotionless boy he'd pretended to be every day.

"I swear, Y/n. If you keep talking like that, you'll regret the day you met me. Professor Slughorn was a little- drunk today."

He paused when I chuckled, and raised his eyebrows. We both knew he wasn't drunk only a little.

"He was reading the attendance out loud and said your name, even though you're not in the Advanced class. Unlike me, obviously."

"And? What's so bad about it?"

I stared to be impatient. This couldn't be the reason Tom was so angry.

I looked at him and his gaze caught me off guard. He was watching my face, my hair, my uniform...

"What are you looking at, Tom? I'm not an animal you can admire at the zoo," I told him, feeling my cheeks burning. That has never happened to me before.

"Who said I was admiring you? I wasn't." He swallowed, closing his eyes and clenching his jaw like he was thinking about something uncomfortable.

"If you don't want to say it, then go away. I don't have the whole day, Tom. You see?" I pointed at all the books laying on my bed and notes all over the table.

Tom rolled his dark brown eyes and said: "He called out your name, which is fine. But with MY surname. He called out loud Y/n Riddle. Riddle!"

I bit my lips to not start laughing when I found out that Tom was seriously mad because of this. Professor Slughorn was bad at names, and when he was drunk? He did this stuff all the time...

"Oh," was all I said, opening the book again. Some chapters were boring, I wasn't ashamed to admit it, but most of them were actually interesting.

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