Depression and anxiety PART 2 💘🌧️

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You've been dealing with depression and anxiety ever since you've started attending Hogwarts. Your parents want you to be the best in your class and they don't allow you getting a worse grade than Outstanding. Now, during the exam month, the pressure has gotten even worse, and you don't have enough energy to try hard anymore. Not even when you could finally beat your rival Tom Riddle...


- depression, anxiety, feeling worthless and useless, domestic violence






I gritted my teeth until it hurt when I noticed she was barely conscious. Her breathing was as irregular as her pulse.

At that moment, I cursed those who banned Apparition inside the castle.

Looking at the girl, I tried finding another solution, but I couldn't think of anything else than... Fuck it.

I threw off all the blankets she was covering herself in to lift her into my arms.

I didn't really care who saw us as I ran down the stairs from the tower. The castle was still relatively quiet when I found myself on the first foor near the Hospital wing.

Sweat was building on my forehead and temples not because the girl was heavy. It was quite the opposite. She was too thin, her clothes were hanging on her and her face was in pain even when she was nearly unconscious.

That was too much even for me.


I smelled chocolate and strawberries when I was able to perceive anything other than the regular beating of my heart.

I cautiously opened my eyes and the pure white sheets I was covered with stung my eyes. I rubbed them with my right hand as the other one...

I turned my head to the side to find that the person gently holding my hand was none other than Tom Riddle.

I gasped in shock and he immediately jump up from the chair he'd been sitting and sleeping on until now.

"Y/n? Is something wrong?" he blurted out, running his hands through his hair. "I was told you might feel a little dizzy because of the medicine."

The first thing I noticed about Tom was his hair which wasn't groomed like the other days. He still looked unbelievably handsome, though. And he also looked scared.

I swallowed and felt a bitter taste in my throat. It had to be the medicine...

Wait. Medicine?

I looked around and sure enough I wasn't laying in my dorm. I was in the bed in the Hospital wing.

"Y/n, talk to me. Are you feeling well?"

"Yes," I replied, still kinda confused and disoriented. "Yes, I'm feeling fine. But- What are you doing here? What happened?"

Tom looked at my face and once he realized I didn't lie, he told me about what had happened to me and that it was him who found me almost unconscious in my bed the other day.

Three days ago, to be specific. Three days ago which meant that it had to be Monday today. And I had to do a Potions exam and-

"Calm down. I took care of everything. All your exam terms has been postponed until you feel better again. Those which you managed to fail, will not count. You can re-do them all."

"What? Tom... I still don't understand..."

"I found this." He showed me several letters full of threats my parents had been sending me through the school year.

"I also showed them to the professors to understand all the abuse you've underwent. Everything will be alright now."

I raised my eyebrows and looked at the Headboy clenching his fists.

"I thought you would be happier if you didn't have a rival during the exams, Tom. Now you had the perfect opportunity to be better at everything."

"Y/n," said Tom, adjusting his tie. "Don't start with this nonsense, please. It was fun back in the day when were competing against each other, I won't deny that. But now, when the school year is almost over-" He stopped talking and shook his head.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" He hissed and frowned at me.

When I didn't speak, he continued: "I have been a victim of bullying my entire childhood, I'm pretty sure you are aware of that. You've been a victim of abuse from those who should be proud of you and protect you in any means. Your family, the people closest to you... I grew up alone, I can't imagine how difficult it must have been for you to live with them. If I were to grow in the family you have, Y/n... Well, I would still rather be an orphan."

I stared at him, uncapable of saying anything. His wisdom, his ability to comfort me without even trying to, his calm voice and mature thinking were unbelievable.

I bit my dry lower lip. "I used to think I was supposed to feel like that. That parents should behave this way and discipline their children. I used to think they had been doing the right thing. That they only wanted the best for me."

Tom nodded, still looking at my tired face and waiting for me to continue.

"But I realized they only cared for themselves. They wouldn't care of me being in such a bad state of mind, but you did, Tom. You care even now when I'm fine. Why?"

It was silence between us. He was thinking of what to say, clearly unsure whether to really say it or keep quiet.

I looked at my hands wrapped in soft bandage and suddenly, Tom answered.

"We are very similar, Y/n. We have dealt with many nasty things in our lives, but there is one thing that is different. I've never had anyone who would save me from the abusers, so I had to do it myself and take care of everything. I won't let you end up like me. That's why I help you. To not end up like me, because you deserve better."

I felt tears building up in the corners of my eyes. I tried to answer him, say at least thank you, but I wasn't capable of doing that for some reason.

I got calmer only when I felt Tom's cold hand touching my forehead softly as he checked my temperature. Hearing his voice whispering something in my ear when sleep was slowly taking over my body was the best kind of a lullaby for my hurt soul.



I hope you enjoyed reading this story, Riddlings. Thank you for everything! <3

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