Professor Tom Riddle PART 1 ⚡

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Before we start, I need to say that I do NOT support a relationship between a student and a professor. This is just a fiction. Thank you 🤍


You texted professor Riddle if there is any chance for you to take a make up test, because you didn't have enough time to prepare for it. He offered you to help him in the library and maybe then he would be able to help you.




It was just after eight o'clock in the evening when I arrived at the entrance to the library.

I almost collided with professor Riddle, because it was already dark outside and also inside the castle. And I didn't bring my wand with me to light my way...

"Welcome, Miss," said professor Riddle, a slight hint of smile on his face, before leading me to the Restricted section.

I raised my eyebrows and got so excited, because I've never been there before. As someone who wanted to become an Auror after graduating, as someone who adored books so much... This could be the highlight of the seventh year of my studying.

"I have to inform you, that this won't be as entertaining as you might think."

Well... He was right. That's all I could say about the hours spent picking up all kinds of books to dust them carefully. All of them were so fragile that I was scared of just touching them. I even had to use a ladder to reach a very heavy-looking book in a shade of ruby red.

I stood on tiptoes to reach it when I suddenly felt dizzy and fell down the ladder.

Before I could hit the hard floor, the professor caught me and I instictively wrapped my hands around his neck.

My field of vision was blurred...

My ears were ringing, and I felt like I was going to...

"Miss? Miss! Can you hear me?"

Professor Riddle's calming, yet stressed voice kept floating all around me, but before I could open my mouth and say something, I lost consciousness.


Two days passed after the not very happy evening in the library. I was so embarassed to look at my professor when he passed down our graded tests.

I frowned before turning the paper to see that I failed, because I didn't have an opportunity to write the make up test. Unfortunately for me and my dream to become an Auror...

I audibly gasped when I saw that I got an A- Acceptable, and my eyes met professor Riddle's when he returned to his table.

"Congratulations," he announced, hands behind his back. "You all passed this semester and now you're free to go, enjoy the first days of spring."

There had to be something wrong, I thought, when all the students left the classroom. Not even my best friend bothered to wait for me.

I slowly packed my things, because my head still hurt a little, and when I was ready to go and say thank you to the professor, he came to me and leaned against my table.

His white shirt had rolled up sleeves, so I couldn't help myself but stare at his pale, veiny hands.

After a few seconds I quickly recovered, and just when I opened my mouth to thank him, professor Riddle started speaking.

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