I will protect you PART 2 🌧️

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Trigger warnings:

-mentions of abuse, blood, torture




Being able to see Tom's- wait, our mansion- was such an honor. I've known him for so many years and when we started seeing each other more and eventually became a couple...

No, I didn't mind him not having any money. At all. I admired his courage, his dedication, loyalty and his ability to make me more confident.

So now, when l saw how successful he had become while we were in a long distance relationship... I was so proud of him even though I didn't really know what business he was doing. He told me something, though. He told me he'd been looking for some objects which would help him live forever.

Does he want me to live with him forever?

Is he interested in be just because of my face and my body?

Did he ever love me?

Maybe I was still too insecure for him. Maybe he will soon find out how boring I really am and he will break up with me, but for now I wanted to enjoy every single moment together. No matter what. Life is unpredictable.

Tom had some meeting planned for today, so I was walking through the big mansion and each of my steps echoed in the large halls. I was already bored after finishing my dinner alone, so I decided to visit the meeting room in the lowest part of the building. I needed to see what Tom's business truly was.

His appearance slightly changed, but he warned me it might happen so I wasn't really surprised. Not when he looked even more attractive than he did at school.

His face was more defined, his jaw sharp and his gaze so intense you could go
blind if he looked at you for too long. Tom's eyes were no longer dark brown. Sometimes I had a feeling I could see some glimpse of red in them... He looked so mysterious and quite terrifying with his pale skin, I would lie if I said otherwise.

I knocked on the door of the chamber the meeting was happening in, and waited. Not long after that, a scream followed by evil laughter could be heard and goosebumps covered my whole body when I recognized Tom was the one with the loudest laughter.

I was speechless.

Tom has never laughed like that in my presence, he only chuckled a little, or the corners of his lips lifted up slightly. Je has never really showed his emotions... This laugh was full of arogance and pride. It didn't belong to the Tom I knew.

When the scream intensified, I reached for the door knob and entered the small dark chamber full of candles. Tom never forbid me going in here so I wasn't that scared of what he might say to me afterwards. He had to know I would like to go in here some day.

When my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I covered my mouth with my hand immediately after noticing the long table around which were seated a few men dressed in long black capes. Their faces were covered with silver masks.

I raised my head and saw a woman's body levitating above the table. She was the one screaming in pain and despair as it took one look at her beaten face to know for sure she was being tortured.

Luckily, no one could see me standing in the corner of the dark chamber. Not even Tom whom I didn't recognize anymore.

This wasn't the boy I fell in love with a few years ago.

Then, he suddenly got up from his chair, started speaking in parseltongue and an enormous snake crawled from under the table. I could hear the woman's sobs because she was aware of what was going to happen to her. And I knew that too.

I was not able to keep quiet anymore when Tom gently petted the snake's ugly head before it attacked the poor woman. All the blood spraying everywhere made me nauseous. Some of it even landed on my face and exposed hands while I screamed in disgust.

Tom immediately rose from his chair and even though his mask covered basically his whole face, I still was able to see how his eyes flashed in horror.

He walked towards me in a slow pace, his arms loose by his sides until he was so close to me I could smell the blood
which he was covered in. When he saw I looked on his fingers coated by the fresh blood, he muttered a spell to clean them.

"You shouldn't have seen it. We're leaving. Now!" ordered Tom, grabbing my arm and dragging me out from the chamber.

My hands were shaking when he walked with me further to the mansion until we appeared in the bathroom. Tom immediately turned on the shower.

"What... what was that... The snake and t-the blood...."

My head spinned when Tom took off his mask and I could finally see his flushed face and forehead covered with sweat.

"I'm still here," he tapped on his chest, right over his heart. "The Tom you love has never disappeared, my darling. However, you have to get used to the version I show the world, forgive me. I have to behave like that in front of my Knights and everyone else as well."

"Knights?" was all I was able to say before he started undressing me from my clothes and walking with me in the shower.

"That's how I named us. Knights of Walpurgis. You may have heard of some of my companions... Rosier and Malfoy, for example," Tom told me as he was washing my body gently and carefully until I was clean again.

"Who was the woman?" I asked him when he finished his work and gave me a bathrobe to cover myself. "What did she do to deserve such painful end, Tom? You all sounded like it was very funny to see her suffer like that..."

"It is need to behave like this. I am sorry, but this is how I have to be in order to become more powerful. The woman was a mudblood, and she-"

I shook my head in disbelief. "That's the reason to treat her like that? Tom, please... The hatred towards muggles... This is too much. "

I fell on my knees, hands on my lap. "I'm
begging you. Who are you? What has happened to you... What...Why..."

Tears flooded my eyes, but before I could start crying, Tom kneeled and hugged me so tightly it almost hurt.

"Don't do that again, do you understand? Don't beg, Y/n. Don't get on your knees to beg. Not you."

I inhaled sharply when he added: "I will allow you in my head to see what I have been planning the whole time. You will be able to see I've never stopped
having a soft spot for you and only you. I don't want to lose the only light in my life, darling. Don't leave me..."

"Alright," I sobbed. "But I want to see it all, Tom. No more lies. Please."

He had me in a hug for a few more minutes before opening the walls guarding his mind for me and I could finally see everything just like he promised.



Hi, Riddlings! I'm hoping to release the first chapter of my Tom Riddle fanfiction some day this week... And the next one-shot will be a spicy one. Anyways, how have you been doing?

Also, I'll be putting these behind the name of each chapter so you know what you can expect in the stories:

❤️‍🔥- smut

⚡- tension

🌧️- sad

💘- cute

Thank you for reading and all your support in general. It means a lot to me. I hope you don't mind the mistakes in my stories because English isn't my first language. See you soon <3

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