I am a muggle 🌧️💘

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(both available in this story)



You and your boyfriend Tom were in your bed and he was more clingy than ever before. Not that you would complain, of course not.

He was placing gentle kisses on your lips, jawline and neck covered in love bites. Your noises has always turned him on, especially when you moaned his name or the nickname you chose for him. You could tell even though he hadn't say a word about that matter.

Tom then wrapped his hand around your waist and his other hand caressed your bare arm as he kissed his way all the way down your stomach. You wore a crop top because it was hot outside and you immediately knew what he wanted when his kisses became more demanding.

"Tom?" You whispered and he only purred against the skin on your thigh. His face was so close to the place you needed him the most but...

"We can't," you finally told him before trying to push him away.

"Did I do something wrong or-"

"No! No, you didn't do anything wrong. It's just...I have to tell you something, Tom, and I know you will hate me afterwards. I can't let you touch me like that anymore even though there's nothing I would want more. I love you and I'm sorry for keeping it a secret for so long. I was selfish. Forgive me."

Tom straightened on the bed, his hands resting on your bare thighs, his expression serious and confused at the same time. "Why will I hate you, Y/n?"

You took a deep breath and your eyes filled with tears because you knew this was the last time you were together like that. So you took both of his hands in yours and brought them to your lips to kiss them.

"I'm not who I pretend to be... I know I deserve to be hated by you..."

Tom frowned even more. "Just say it, you're scaring me. I bet it isn't that serious. After all, we have always managed to sort things out. Go on, Y/n."

"I'm not a pure- blood, you know that. Look, I wanted to tell you weeks ago. Way before our first kiss and first sex... But then it just happened and I couldn't ruin what we had. I was so happy you chose me... Fuck. I'm a muggle, Tom. No one in my family is a wizard or a witch... I know you hate people like me and I couldn't lie about it anymore."

Tom gasped out loud and let out a chuckle. He was hurt, disappointed, angry and disgusted. "You? You are a- I had a lovely evening prepared for us, you know? Since it's our anniversary in few days and I won't be present at school... You ruined it, Y/n. You ruined everything. I hope you're satisfied."

He quickly got up from the bed and you'd swear he fought the urge to vomit as he looked down at you for the last time, clenching his fists.

He then left your dorm and you two never spoke to each other again.

Ouch. Let's move to a happier ending, shall we?
We love being delulu!!

"I'm not who I pretend to be... I know I deserve to be hated by you..."

Tom frowned even more. "Just say it, you're scaring me. I bet it isn't that serious. After all, we have always managed to sort things out. Go on, Y/n."

"I'm not a pure- blood, you know that. Look, I wanted to tell you weeks ago. Way before our first kiss and first sex... But then it just happened and I couldn't ruin what we had. I was so happy you chose me... Fuck. I'm a muggle, Tom. No one in my family is a wizard or a witch... I know you hate people like me and I couldn't lie about it anymore."

Tom gasped out loud and let out a chuckle. He was hurt, disappointed, angry and disgusted. "You? You are a- I had a lovely evening prepared for us, you know? Since it's our anniversary in few days and I won't be present at school..."

"Well, I just thought that maybe... Maybe we could still see each other? This doesn't mean we have to stop talking, Tom. I hope that we can remain-"

He looked at you with shock painted all over his handsome face. "Friends? As if, Y/n. Are you not aware that I do not have friends? And even if I wanted some... Being friends with Mudbloods is impossible."

"Don't call me that, Tom. Don't be so... cruel."

One tear slipped down your cheek as he laughed. "Cruel? You know my intentions. You know how I am and you have listened to me talking about my hatred towards muggles. You are no different."

"That's not what you said yesterday... Do you remember the past weeks? Do you remember how happy we were? Blood status isn't something that determinates personality."

You got up and reached for Tom's hand to grab it. To your surprise, he let you touch him.


Tom furrowed his brows, looking down at your fingers wrapped around his. "I am not really sure how- I can't do this. I- I just can't."

"Go away then," you suggested as you stared deep in his dark eyes. "Go away and never speak to me again if that's what you have to do."

There was silence for a minute. Tom still didn't let go of you, though.

"As much as I despise Mudbloods, I think that..." Tom swallowed and finally looked at you. "The weeks in your company.... I have never felt happier, actually. You know I will never be able to reciprocate your feeling no matter how much you would want me to. I cannot change the way I am."

You opened your mouth to say something but Tom didn't let you.

"What I am trying to say is that I don't want to let you go. It is tempting, the hatred towards muggles is too strong to completely forget it. Still, I would like you to stay by my side."

"Are you... Do you mean it?"

You were shocked and pleasantly surprised, of course. Tom himself told you many times about how much he despised muggles and what kind of things they would deserve. But if his words were genuine...

"I'm not a type of person who would joke about anything, Y/n. You know that."

"I promise we muggles aren't that horrible..."

He fought the urge to step back as you got closer to him, you saw how uncertain he was. But it didn't take a long time for him to snake his hands around your waist and rest his chin on your head.

You immediately hugged Tom back, listening to his rapid heartbeat. "I'm not going to force you to stay with me. If the day you don't want to be with me anymore comes tomorrow or in a few days, I will accept it. For now... Thank you, Tommy. You won't regret it."

His large hands circled your back in slow motions and you heard Tom inhale deeply before saying: "I know I won't. I don't think I will ever meet anyone like you. I can't let you go."

You pulled away to place a kiss on Tom's cheek. He just stared at you, his cold eyes somehow softening as he lowered his head to start kissing you. So gently like he feared he would hurt you.

The disgust was no longer present in his face.



Thank you so much for reading, Riddlings!!
I will upload a new chapter of my fanfiction (in Tom's pov) in a few days. I hope you are ready <3

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