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After a brief ten-minute drive, the boys finally reach the dorms. San's tears are now seconds from spilling. The moment the car stops, he bolts out, leaving Wooyoung with a puzzled expression. "Hey guys, how was—" Mingi starts from the living room couch, but San walks past, wordless. The door slams shut behind him, prompting concerned glances among the boys.

"Should we go check on him?" Yunho's voice drifts from the kitchen. "Leave him be," Wooyoung snaps, his footsteps retreating to his own room. San locks his door, seeking solitude. The tears he's fought to hold at bay now flood down, tracing hot paths down his cheeks. Soft sobs leave his mouth as he recalls the dismissive "It was nothing. Forget about it." It echoes in his head, haunting him. His heart feels as though it's shattered inside his chest.

Hongjoong walks to San's door, ear pressed to the wood. Soft sobs seep through, tugging at his heartstrings. He reaches out, hand trembling slightly. He twist the doorknob gently—locked. He hates knowing that his friend is hurting and he cannot help. With a sigh, he retreats, rubbing his face. A mix of concern and his own hurt settles in as he steps back. "Tomorrow," he thinks to himself in the silent hallway before heading back to the living room.

Hongjoong enters the living room seeing Yeosang, Jongho, Yunho and Mingi on the couch. They have started a movie and are passing popcorn between each other. He watches from a distance, happy to see his members enjoying themselves. He is snapped out of his thoughts. "What's up with him?" Mingi murmurs, eyes fixed on San's closed door.

"I'm not sure, but let's not disturb him," he advises, his tone leaving no room for argument. "He wants to be alone, and we need to honor that." With a collective nod, the boys sink back into the cushions, their focus shifting away from the closed door and back to the movie playing on TV.

San lies in his bed, tears glistening on his cheeks. He recalls the moment Wooyoung first entered the practice room, how he pretended to be annoyed at gaining a new member. In reality, he was annoyed at the fact his heart skipped a beat when he saw Wooyoung smile. Wooyoung's laughter alone could light up San's world with joy. He fell for him the day he walked into that practice room.

San didn't want his stupid crush to complicate things with the group, yet Wooyoung's words stung deep. Glancing at the clock—3 AM—he knew he needed rest before their long day of recording. Holding his cherished plushie tight, he shut his eyes, wishing to meet the brunette boy in his dreams.

Wooyoung's mind raced with regret, the echo of his own harsh words haunting the silent room. He replayed the moment again and again, each time the realization sinking deeper—he had let fear dictate his actions, pushing San away when all he wanted was to pull him closer. "You stupid idiot," Wooyoung whispered to himself, his voice low and hoarse in the darkness.

Glancing at the clock, Wooyoung groans. His mind's too full to sleep. Wishing he could clear things up with San, he knows it's not the right time. He rolls over, trying to catch some sleep before practice.


Mingi's alarm rings through the dorm. Groggily, he stretches an arm out, patting around in a half-awake daze, seeking his phone. After a few misses, his hand finally clamps on the phone, and successfully snoozes it. The dorm is now silent again, he sets it aside and gazes down. There, nestled against his chest, lies Yunho. A warm smile spreads across Mingi's face, his eyes softening at the sight. With a featherlight touch, he combs his fingers through Yunho's hair

He wishes he could stay in this moment forever, but it all comes to an end as Seonghwa flicks on the living room light, bathing the space in a harsh, unwelcome glow. Mingi blinks against the brightness, a soft sigh escaping him. To his surprise, Seonghwa remains silent, his silhouette moving ghost-like towards the kitchen. "Good morning, hyung," Mingi calls out, his voice a deep morning voice. Seonghwa jumps, whirling around with wide eyes. "Holy shit, you scared me," he exclaims, his heart pounding a rapidly.

Mingi's laughter fills the room, gently waking Yunho from his slumber. Seonghwa, with a furrowed brow of concern, approaches the pair. Though he is clearly upset with them, his eyes softens at the sight of them together. "How many times must I remind you? The couch is no place for a decent night's sleep. You need to be well-rested," he lectures, his stern tone softened by the tenderness in his gaze. Mingi, with a knowing smile, silently acknowledges the truth in Seonghwa's words. The couch is definitely the most uncomfortable place to sleep in this dorm. Yet, he'd rather be uncomfortable on the couch than sleeping without Yunho.

"Mom, please, it's way too early for this," grumbles Yunho, his voice muffled by Mingi's shirt. This earns him a swift slap on the rear from Seonghwa, sharp enough to jolt him from his drowsiness. "HEY!" Yunho protests, sitting up abruptly to find Seonghwa's smug smile greeting him. "Now, up you two. We've got a long ass day ahead of us," Seonghwa declares with a mix of command and mischief as he strides out of the room. Mingi and Yunho exchange a glance before they shuffle to their feet, following their "mom's" orders. Mingi stretches, a yawn escaping his mouth as he heads to his room, with Yunho, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, following close behind.

Before long, the entire group joins in the living room, gearing up for the long day ahead of them. San sits as far from Wooyoung as the space allows. The air is thick with unspoken words, the tension between them is suffocating. Everyone takes note of it, no one daring to pierce the quiet with questions. San, usually the heart of noise and laughter, sits with a cold demeanor, his silence uncharacteristic and jarring. Hongjoong observes the change, but decides to address it later when the time is right.

"Alright, is everyone ready?" Jongho calls out, snagging a water bottle from the fridge. One by one, they all drift towards the exit. Jongho, with a watchful eye, waits for San to pass by before gently catching his arm. "Are you okay?" he inquires, voice low to keep their exchange private. San offers a smile, though it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Yeah, I'm okay," he responds, the smile not quite masking the undertone of sadness.

Jongho's gaze is heavy with concern, tracking San's every step. He knows San is hiding his pain, he can see it on his face. Jongho is caught in a silent battle, the desire to reach out but fearing he would push too hard. The group moves together towards their cars, the morning sun casting a soft glow on the vehicles. San's deliberate distance from Wooyoung paints a pang of sadness on Wooyoung's face. He wanted to ride with San to maybe set things right but it's clear San doesn't want to be around him. The air is heavy with unspoken thoughts as they settle inside.

Throughout the drive, San's gaze never left the window. Yunho and Mingi's loud laughter does nothing to pierce his bubble of solitude. He feels utterly alone. The previous night's events replay relentlessly in his mind, Wooyoung's voice stirring up tears. San doesn't want to talk about it with anyone- speaking might unleash the emotions he's desperately holding at bay. He only wants the sweet relief of forgetting.

The car's arrival at the company barely registers to San,he's still lost in his thoughts. It's Jongho's soft touch and quieter words that bring San back to reality. "Hey Hyung, we're here," he states. This gentle interruption finally prompts San to take his eyes away from the window and start collecting his belongings.

Before San can step out, Jongho catches his arm, a silent plea for pause. San turns irritated, "Look, Jongho, I'm fine, okay?" he snaps, more sharply than intended. Yet, Jongho remains unflustered, his voice a calm contrast. "You're not fine—I see the hurt written all over you. No need to talk about it, but know this—I'm here for you, Hyung, always." Jongho's words, gentle and unwavering, wash over San's frustration, softening it to regret. "Thank you, Jongho," he murmurs, the edge in his voice now smoothed by gratitude. The boys climb out the car and enter the company, heading straight to the studio to begin recording.

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