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As soon as I was dragged out of the room, I could feel my anger boiling over. Mingi and Yunho were on either side of me, their grips firm but not harsh. They led me into an adjacent room, closing the door behind us.

"San, what the hell happened back there?" Mingi asked, his voice a mix of frustration and concern. He was still pacing, his energy almost palpable.

I couldn't hold it in any longer. "Yeosang had the nerve to bring up Wooyoung! He knows how he came between me and Woo, and he used it as an insult." I shouted, my fists clenched tightly.

Yunho stepped closer, his expression softer but still serious. "San, we get that you're upset, but yelling about it isn't going to help. We need to figure out why Yeosang said what he did and how we can address it."

I shook my head, my anger still simmering. "I don't give a fuck why he said it. He had no right to bring Wooyoung into this. It's like he wanted to get his ass beat."

Mingi stopped pacing and turned to face me. "Look, San, we know Yeosang can be a bit harsh sometimes, but we need to handle this calmly. Going off on him and fighting isn't going to solve anything."

Seonghwa walked into the room, and I could feel the tension starting to ease just by seeing him. He came over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "San, let's take a breather." I took a deep breath trying to ground myself.

"Yeosang had no right to say that. I know you're very upset and I think it's best to keep your distance for now. Ignore him until we're all level-headed enough to talk it out," he said, his voice calm and reassuring.

I nodded, feeling a bit more grounded. "I'll give him space and focus on practice," I replied, knowing that he was right. It was important to handle this the right way.

Seonghwa continued, his tone firm but caring. "Remember, we're a team. If it ever gets to that point, walk away. We need to handle things maturely," he reminded me. His words hit home, and I knew he was speaking the truth. We couldn't afford to let things get out of hand.

I agreed, feeling a sense of responsibility. Just then, Hongjoong walked in, looking curious about what was going on. "How are things going, guys?" he asked, glancing between us.

I took a deep breath and looked at Hongjoong. "I'm good to continue practice with you guys. Let's focus on our music and move forward, we have to preform tomorrow," I said, trying to get back to what really mattered.

I asked them to give me a moment alone, and they agreed. Left in the room, I tried to calm down, but I couldn't get past the anger bubbling inside me. I shoved a nearby chair and let out a harsh sigh. My hands found their way to my hair as I felt the anger slowly turn into pain. "Wooyoung prefers him over me huh," I whispered to myself.

I slumped down onto the floor, my back against the wall. The room felt suffocating, each breath heavy with the weight of my emotions. I closed my eyes, trying to block out the thoughts racing through my mind, but they only grew louder. "Why am I never enough?" I muttered, my voice cracking with the strain of holding back tears. The silence of the room seemed to echo my despair, amplifying the loneliness I felt. I wrapped my arms around my knees, pulling them close to my chest as if trying to shield myself from the pain.

As I sat there, memories of Wooyoung and him flooded my mind. Every laugh they shared, every secret glance—it all felt like a knife twisting in my heart. I couldn't help but compare myself to him, wondering what he had that I didn't. The jealousy and hurt were overwhelming, and I felt like I was drowning in a sea of my own insecurities.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. I pushed myself up from the floor, wiping away the tears that had started to fall. I returned to practice without a word to anyone. I didn't exchange looks with either Yeosang or Wooyoung. I kept to myself, avoiding any interaction. The only people I occasionally engaged with were Seonghwa and Hongjoong.

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