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As dawn crept through the hospital window, San's eyes fluttered open, his hand still entwined with Wooyoung's. The stiffness in his neck from the uncomfortable chair was a small price to pay for being there for his boyfriend. Outside, the world was awakening to the news of Wooyoung's hospitalization.

San stood and stretched, careful not to disturb Wooyoung. He glanced out the window and saw the growing number of fans, their presence a mix of comfort and concern. He knew they cared deeply for Wooyoung, just as he did.

The hospital began to stir with the morning hustle, the change of shifts and the soft murmur of nurses at the start of their rounds. It was during this transition, in the soft glow of the morning, that Wooyoung's eyelids fluttered—a subtle, yet hopeful indication of consciousness returning.

San's heart leaped at the sight, and he leaned forward, his voice a gentle coaxing. "Wooyoung, can you hear me?" he asked, his hand finding Wooyoung's with a careful touch.

Outside, the rest of the band members gathered, coffees in hand, a mix of anxiety and hope etched on their faces as they prepared to re-enter the room. They had spent a restless night, each wrestling with their own worries and the shared ache for their friend's recovery.As they made their way back to Wooyoung's room, the air was thick with anticipation.

The door to Wooyoung's room opened with a soft creak, and the members filed in quietly, their eyes immediately drawn to the bed where San sat, still holding Wooyoung's hand. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of relief and tension as they noticed the small movements of Wooyoung's eyelids, the telltale signs of him coming around.

Seonghwa, who had promised his swift return, stepped closer to the bed, his role as the dependable pillar of strength never more apparent. "How's he doing?" he asked San, his voice a low whisper, not wanting to disturb the fragile silence.

San looked up, his eyes reflecting a night's worth of worry and the flicker of hope that now sparked within. "He's starting to wake up," he replied, a smile threatening to break through the exhaustion. "He's going to be okay."

The collective sigh of relief was palpable, a wave of emotion that washed over them all, leaving a sense of gratitude in its wake. They had weathered another storm together, and as they stood shoulder to shoulder around Wooyoung's bed, it was clear that their bond had only grown stronger in the face of hardship.

As the morning sun climbed higher, casting a warm, golden hue across the room, Wooyoung's consciousness steadily surfaced. His first groggy word was a whisper, barely audible, but to the members, it was a clarion call that lifted their spirits immeasurably. "Hyung?" he mumbled, his voice hoarse, eyes still struggling to open fully.

The room erupted in soft laughter and gentle teasing, a chorus of affection that filled the sterile hospital space with life. Jongho, always the one to lighten the mood, quipped with a grin, "Who else would be crazy enough to camp out in these uncomfortable chairs all night?"

With each passing moment, the tension that had once hung heavy in the air began to dissipate. They shared stories from the previous night, each tale a testament to their dedication to one another.

Yeosang, who had been quietly observing from the corner, finally stepped forward, his voice soft but steady, "Hey, Wooyoung, you scared us for a minute there."

Wooyoung managed a weak chuckle, his eyelids fluttering open to meet the concerned gazes of his friends. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make it a whole dramatic scene," he rasped, a mischievous glint in his eyes despite his condition.

Mingi, hovering by the window, let out a mock exasperated sigh. "Dramatic? You practically had us living a drama tragedy. Next time, stick to being an idol, will you?"

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