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I stormed into the CEO's office, my frustration barely contained. "We need to talk," I said, my voice firm. The CEO looked up from his desk, clearly taken aback by my sudden entrance.

"Seonghwa, what's this about?" he asked, setting his pen down. His nonchalant voice struck a nerve.

I clenched my fists, my frustration boiling over. "You can't just leave Wooyoung out like that! He's a vital part of our team, and we need him on this tour."

The CEO leaned back in his chair, a steely look in his eyes. "Seonghwa, you need to understand the gravity of the situation. Wooyoung made the decision to step back for the sake of the group. He sacrificed his own opportunities for all of you. You should be grateful his absence is the only consequence."

I shook my head, disbelief and anger mingling inside me. "Grateful? How can you expect me to be grateful for leaving a member of our family behind? Wooyoung shouldn't have to sacrifice himself for us like that."

The CEO's voice turned cold. "This is the reality of the situation, Seonghwa. Wooyoung chose this path, and you need to respect his decision. Your behavior right now is unacceptable. You should be thankful your own actions aren't resulting in consequences."

I felt a surge of defiance rise within me. "I won't stand by and watch this happen. We're a team, and we face challenges together. Wooyoung shouldn't have to bear this burden alone."

The CEO's expression hardened. "You're treading on thin ice, Seonghwa. Your defiance won't be tolerated. Remember your place in this group."

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions. "I understand the risks, but I can't stay silent. We need him."

The CEO stood up, his face inches from mine. "You think you're some kind of hero? You're just making things worse. Wooyoung made a mature decision, something you clearly can't comprehend."

I glared back at him. "And you think isolating him is the right call? You're tearing us apart!"

"Enough!" The CEO's voice echoed through the room. "This conversation is over. Either you fall in line, or you face the consequences."

I turned to leave, my heart pounding with anger and determination. "This isn't over. We won't let Wooyoung be forgotten. Not by you, not by anyone."

As I stormed out of the office, I could hear the CEO's final words, dripping with disdain. "You should be thankful your ass isn't sat out with him for the way you're acting right now."

I felt a rush of emotions, a whirlwind of anger, sadness, and determination swirling inside me. My steps were quick, almost frantic, as I navigated the hallways. Before I knew it, I found myself standing outside Hongjoong's door. I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart, and knocked, hoping he was inside.

There was a pause, and then the door opened slowly. Hongjoong stood there, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. "Seonghwa? What's wrong?"

I felt the weight of everything pressing down on me, and my hands started to shake. "Hongjoong, I feel like I've failed," I said, my voice breaking. "I want to save and protect everyone, but I can't help. The CEO won't let me do anything."

Hongjoong's eyes softened with concern, and he stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Seonghwa, you're not alone in this. We're all in this together."

I shook my head, the tears finally spilling over. "I'm trying to hold it together, but the pieces just won't fit. No matter what I do, it feels like I'm just making things worse. I promised to look out for everyone, to keep us all safe, but I can't even do that."

Hongjoong pulled me into a hug, his grip firm and comforting. "We'll figure it out, Seonghwa. We always do. You're doing your best, and that's all anyone can ask for. You don't have to carry this burden alone."

I clung to his words, letting the comfort of his presence steady me. "But what if my best isn't enough?" I whispered, my voice filled with desperation. "What if I can't fix this?"

Hongjoong pulled back slightly, looking me in the eyes. "Seonghwa, your strength has always been in your heart. You've never given up on us, and we won't give up on you. We'll fight this together, and we'll find a way to bring Wooyoung back. We're a family, and families stick together, no matter what."

I nodded, feeling a sense of relief. Even in the midst of all this chaos, I knew I wasn't alone. "Thank you, Hongjoong," I said, my voice steadier now. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

He smiled, a small but genuine smile. "You don't have to worry about that. We're in this together, every step of the way. Now get in here, let's figure this out."

With a small smile I stepped into the room, sitting down on the couch. He followed closely behind me, "He isn't going to just let Wooyoung off the hook, we will have to come up with some type of compromise." I nod agreeing with his approach.

With Hongjoong by my side, I felt a renewed sense of determination. We would fight for Wooyoung, and we wouldn't stop until he was back where he belonged – with us.


♡ short little MATZ chapter bc i love them.

♡ short little MATZ chapter bc i love them

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♡ this photo has me absolutely devastated. they are genuinely so adorable.

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