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It was 5:30 AM when I woke up next to Wooyoung. I glanced over at him, still fast asleep, his face peaceful and relaxed. I had only gotten a couple of hours of sleep, but I didn't mind. Spending time with him had become my top priority lately. I knew how hard it was for him to be away from the group, and I wanted to make sure he felt supported and loved.

Wooyoung needed me, and I was determined to be there for him. Every evening, no matter how tired I was, we cooked dinner together. It was our little routine, my way of ensuring he had at least one proper meal each day. Last night, we made his favorite—spicy chicken stew. As we chopped vegetables and stirred the pot, we talked about everything and nothing, filling the kitchen with the comforting hum of our voices.

This morning, I gently slipped out of bed, trying not to wake him. As I stumbled to the kitchen to make some coffee, I couldn't help but think about how much I cherished these moments. Despite the fatigue, despite the hectic schedules, being there for Wooyoung made it all worthwhile. I knew he needed me, and I needed him just as much.

I would be lying if I said the weeks of barely any rest weren't getting to me, but I shook it off. As I made some much needed coffee, Hongjoong and Seonghwa came into the kitchen. Seonghwa politely asked if I could make a cup for him and Joong. Of course, I agreed.

"Morning, San. How are you holding up?" Hongjoong asked, his voice a mixture of concern and exhaustion.

"Morning. I'm hanging in there," I replied, trying to muster a smile. "Just one more week, right?"

"Yeah, just one more week," Hongjoong echoed, trying to keep the mood light. "Then we can focus on the tour."

Seonghwa glanced towards the bedroom where Wooyoung was still sleeping. "Yeah, and we'll all be together again," he added, his voice soft.

I nodded, feeling a mix of exhaustion and anticipation. "I can't wait. It'll be good to have everyone back."

As the coffee brewed, the aroma filled the kitchen, giving us a small comfort. We talked a little more about today's schedule. We had a performance and an interview today. It was our last week of promotions before our week-long practice for the tour. We were ready to get it over with so we could be back as 8.

"Do you think the fans will like the new setlist?" I asked, trying to distract myself from the tiredness creeping in.

"I'm sure they will," Seonghwa said confidently. "We've worked hard on it, and it shows."

We started getting ready for the day. Despite the fatigue, I felt a surge of determination. We were almost there, and soon we'd be back as a complete team, ready to take on the world together.

As we headed out the kitchen, Hongjoong patted me on the back. "Just keep pushing, San. We're almost at the finish line."

"Thanks, Joong. I needed that," I said, feeling a bit more energized. We were in this together, and that made all the difference.

I sipped my coffee and went to sit on the couch. Phone in hand, I scrolled down some of our recent promotions to see the feedback. The positive comments and support from fans brought a small smile to my face. After finishing my first cup, I went back to my room.

I saw Wooyoung still snuggled up in the bed and smiled fondly. Quietly, I gathered my clothes for the day and my shower products before making my way into Seonghwa and Hongjoong's room. Seonghwa, being the mother he is, had offered to let me shower in there since Wooyoung was sleeping in our room. I had been showering in there for the last 3 weeks because of it. I didn't mind it; I wanted Wooyoung to be as comfortable as possible. I didn't want to wake him up because it would make it harder to leave him behind.

As I entered Seonghwa and Hongjoong's room, I saw Seonghwa tidying up and getting ready for the day. "Thanks again for letting me use your shower," I said gratefully.

"No problem at all, San. Anything for Woo's beauty sleep," Seonghwa replied with a warm smile.

I laughed softly and headed into the bathroom, feeling a bit more relaxed. I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over me. It felt refreshing, washing away the remnants of sleep and the fatigue from the previous day. I took my time, enjoying the soothing sensation as I lathered up with my favorite body wash. The steam filled the bathroom, creating a comforting cocoon of warmth. I rinsed off, feeling rejuvenated and ready to face the day.

After drying off, I quickly got dressed in a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants. The outfit was simple and comfortable, perfect for a day of traveling. I ran a hand through my damp hair, giving it a quick tousle before stepping out of the bathroom. Seonghwa was still in the room, now organizing some of his things.

"Thanks again, Seonghwa," I said, feeling more awake and ready to tackle the day.

"Anytime, San," he replied with a smile. "Let's make today a great one."

I made my way back to the kitchen to prepare a second cup of coffee for the road. The familiar hum of the coffee machine filled the room, and I watched as the dark liquid poured into the cup, the aroma filling the air and giving me a sense of calm before the busy day ahead. I could already feel the caffeine from my first cup kicking in, but I knew I'd need this second one to keep me going.

As the coffee brewed, I quietly slipped back into my room. Wooyoung was still deeply asleep, his breathing slow and steady, his face serene. I couldn't resist leaning down to give him a gentle kiss on the forehead. He didn't stir, and I knew he wouldn't hear this but I had to say goodbye. I whispered softly, "Sweet dreams, my beautiful boy," before quietly exiting the room, not wanting to disturb his peaceful slumber.

I returned to the kitchen, grabbed my freshly brewed coffee, and made my way to the front door where the rest of the members were gathering. Jongho was adjusting his backpack, and Yunho was checking his phone.

"Got everything?" Seonghwa asked, looking up from his own cup of coffee.

"Yeah, I think so," I replied, taking a sip of my coffee. "Ready for another long day?"

"Always," Yeosang said with a grin, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Let's make it count."

With a final deep breath, I stepped out the door, feeling the cool morning air hit my face. The city was just waking up, and the streets were still relatively quiet. It was a perfect moment of calm before the storm.

As we walked towards the van, Mingi turned to me and asked, "Did you get enough sleep last night?"

"Not really," I admitted with a chuckle. "But I'll survive. How about you?"

"Same here," he said, shaking his head. "But we've got this. Just another day in the life, right?"

"Right," I agreed. With my coffee in hand, I climbed into the van, ready to face whatever the day had in store for us.




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