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The morning buzz of Seoul was left behind as ATEEZ entered the building, their footsteps a soft patter against the sleek floors.

They entered the studio, a familiar space filled with the promise of new music. Mingi casually leaned against the wall, lyric sheet in hand, while Yunho chose a spot by the door, always ready to welcome or wave off any interruptions. San and Wooyoung ended up side by side. San's eyes scanned the lyrics, echoing themes of love and longing. They hit close to home for San. A pang of discomfort twisted in his gut. The words mirrored his own hidden feelings for Wooyoung and the silent story between them. "Alight let's get started. Jongho you're up." Hongjoong stated.

The studio's atmosphere thickened with intensity as Jongho's powerful vocals filled the space. "Let's bring it up a notch, Jongho. Really hit that high note," Hongjoong directed, his producer's ear fine-tuning every detail. Jongho nodded, taking a deep breath before his voice soared, filling the studio with a strength that vibrated through the walls. Seonghwa followed, his delivery painting the melody with shades of longing. "Nice, Seonghwa," Hongjoong encouraged, a satisfied smile touching his lips.

"Now, Wooyoung, you're up," Hongjoong beckoned, and the room's energy shifted, all eyes on Wooyoung as he approached the microphone. San's gaze lingered a moment longer, captivated. Wooyoung's first note was tentative, but he quickly found his stride, his voice a blend of vulnerability and conviction that left the room spellbound.

As Wooyoung sung "I'm in love," the words hung heavy in the air. San's heart clenched, a silent ache blooming as he watched Wooyoung embody the lyrics with every fiber of his being. It was too much. Without a word, San stood, and he slipped out, leaving the studio for the hollow quiet of the practice room, where he finally let his guard down and succumbed to the wave of emotions.

San settled against the wall of the practice room, letting out a long, weary sigh. He ran a hand through his hair, a small frown creasing his forehead. His chest heaved with ragged breaths, the weight of unspoken words and hidden feelings pressing down on him. San knew he wasn't breaking apart; he was just... bothered. And it bothered him that he was bothered. He chuckled dryly at the irony, his reflection in the mirror offering no answers, just the silent company of his own conflicted thoughts.

"Why does it hit so close to home?" he whispered to the empty room, a battle raging within him. Was it the song, or was it Wooyoung's voice that stirred these restless emotions? San's hands balled into fists, frustration seeping through his pores.

Amidst the frustration, San's eyes found the mirrored wall,  "You can't keep doing this to yourself," he admonished his own image, the internal conflict as palpable as the beat of his own heart.

Gathering his composure, San made his way back to the studio. As he slipped through the door, Hongjoong eyed him with a hint of concern. "Everything alright?" he asked casually, sensing the subtle shift in San's energy.

"Just needed a quick break," San replied, his voice steady, masking his conflict with the excuse of a bathroom trip.

He reclaimed his seat just as Wooyoung left from the recording booth, a satisfied smile on his face. The air between them was charged, tension pulling tight. Wooyoung slid into the spot beside San, their shoulders brushing, a silent spark igniting.

"What's with the look?" Wooyoung prodded, his tone playful.

San's response was a mix of defensiveness and denial, "It's nothing."

Wooyoung leaned in, his eyes holding a mischievous glint. "You've been off since that almost-kiss, haven't you?" he teased, his voice a soft murmur designed to coax a reaction.

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