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I woke up to the familiar emptiness of my bed, the sheets cold and untouched on the other side. I sighed to myself, feeling the weight of another lonely morning. It had been two weeks since I was put on hiatus, and every day since, I had woken up alone. The rest of the members were busy at the company or out doing interviews, while I was stuck here, feeling isolated and missing San more than anything.

Being on hiatus had its perks, but the loneliness was overwhelming. I was stuck here, with nothing but my thoughts for company. I missed the noise, the laughter, and most of all, I missed waking up next to San.

Every morning without him felt like an eternity. I missed the way his warmth would seep into my side of the bed, the way his sleepy murmurs would greet me as I opened my eyes. The distance between us, even if it was just a few miles, felt like a chasm I couldn't cross.

I reached for my phone on the nightstand, hoping for some connection to the outside world. My heart lifted a little when I saw a message from San, sent hours ago.

"Good morning, love. I miss you. 💕"

I smiled, feeling a bit of warmth return to my chest. Even though it was late, I replied quickly.

"Good morning, San. I miss you too. How's your day going?"

It didn't take long for him to reply, despite the time that had passed since his initial message.

"Busy, as always. We're in the middle of a photoshoot right now. I can't wait until we can be together again."

"I can't wait either. When do you think you'll be back at the dorm?"

There was a brief pause before his response came through. "I'm not sure, love. The schedule is pretty tight today. But I promise I'll call you as soon as we finish up."

I felt a pang of disappointment but pushed it aside. "Okay, I'll be waiting. Thank you, San. I really appreciate it."

"Of course. I have to go now; we're off break. Talk to you later, Wooyoung. Hang in there. 💕"

"Bye, San. Good luck with the shoot. I love you."

"I love you too."

I put my phone down, feeling a mix of emotions. The brief conversation had lifted my spirits a bit, but the loneliness still lingered. I decided to get up and do something productive to keep my mind off things. The dorm was a mess, and cleaning it up would at least give me something to focus on.

I started by picking up stray clothes and organizing the clutter. As I worked, I thought about San and the rest of the members, imagining them busy with their schedules. It made me feel a bit better, knowing they were all working hard and thinking of me too.

Time passed quickly as I cleaned, and soon enough, the dorm looked much better. I felt a small sense of accomplishment, even though the loneliness hadn't completely faded. I knew I just had to keep myself occupied and wait for San's call.

Sitting down on the freshly made bed, I took a deep breath and tried to stay positive. San's voice would be the highlight of my day, and until then, I would keep myself busy and stay strong. After a couple minutes of lounging I noticed it was 12 in the afternoon and I still hadn't ate.

I made my way to the kitchen. I openeded the fridge, staring blankly at the contents of the fridge. Should I make something to eat? The thought lingered, but the idea of cooking felt strange. I wasn't really in the mood to eat so I closed the fridge door with a sigh, deciding against it. Instead, I grabbed a bottle of water and made my way to the couch.

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