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San's eyes opened to the soft light, and he took a moment to let the success of the previous night wash over him. Beside him, Wooyoung slept on, his breathing even and calm, a stark contrast to the usual energy he exuded.

San carefully extricated himself from the tangle of sheets, his movements deliberate to avoid waking Wooyoung. He paused, looking down at his boyfriend's peaceful expression, a small smile playing on his lips before he turned away to get ready.

In the quiet of the early morning, he dressed in silence, his mind already on the day ahead. The schedule was tight; there was no room for error or delay.

The living room was softly lit, and Mingi, Hongjoong, and Yunho were already there. Mingi was slouched on the couch, one hand cradling a mug, his eyes half-closed.

"Morning," San greeted softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Hey," Mingi responded, his voice rough with sleep. "You sneak out okay?"

"Yeah, didn't want to wake him," San said. Hongjoong looked up from his phone, his leader's hat already on despite the early hour. "Everyone get enough sleep?" he asked, a hint of concern in his tone.

Yunho stretched his arms above his head, a yawn escaping him. "As much as we could," he said.

Mingi grunted in response, taking a long sip of his coffee. "Let's just get through today," he muttered.

San picked up his own cup, the warmth seeping into his palms. "We've got this, guys. Just like any other day, right?"

Hongjoong stood up, a determined glint in his eye. "Exactly. Let's go make today ours. But first, coffee."

They shared a laugh, the tension easing a fraction. Together, they stepped out into the cool morning air, the city slowly coming to life around them. The day awaited, and they were ready to face it, side by side.

They lock the dorm behind them. Sliding into the company car, they let out a slow breath, the anticipation for the day's shoot thrumming through their veins. The drive is a brief interlude, a moment of calm before the storm of creativity.

Upon arrival, the studio is abuzz with activity, but their focus narrows to the stylist's chair that awaits them. "Good morning," their stylist greets, a knowing look in their eyes. "Shall we begin?"

With a nod, they surrender to the stylist's skilled hands, conversations flowing effortlessly as strands of hair are coaxed into place, and makeup is artfully applied.

The stylist steps back, their work now complete. "There you are," they say, a soft pride in their voice. " All ready."

They rise from the chair, a new sense of self-assurance cloaking them like the finest silk. The camera awaits, and with it, a day of captured moments and memories made.

The camera starts its quiet hum as Mingi and San step into the shared spotlight. They pose together, complementing each other well.

Meanwhile, Hongjoong and Yunho prepare for their turn, watching their friends with amused smiles. "Think we can top that?" Hongjoong asks, his voice a mix of challenge and mirth. Yunho's response is a confident grin. "Without a doubt."

As Mingi and San wrap up their session, the room fills with applause for a job well done. San steps aside, watching Yunho and Hongjoong own the space with a mixture of pride and a touch of wistfulness.

He can't help but feel a pang of longing for Wooyoung, he's usually the first one praising San after a shoot. With a few minutes to spare before his solo shoot, San slips away, phone in hand, and dials Wooyoung's number.

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