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The next morning, San was the first to stir, his eyes fluttering open as he took in the peaceful sight of Wooyoung still nestled in his arms. He smiled softly and placed a gentle kiss on Wooyoung's forehead.

"Good morning," San whispered, his voice filled with warmth.

Wooyoung slowly opened his eyes, a sleepy smile spreading across his face. "Good morning, San." They reluctantly untangled themselves from each other and got out of bed. Moving through their morning routine, they brushed their teeth, washed up, and changed into their practice clothes. The air was filled with a sense of anticipation and determination.

As they prepared to leave, San grabbed Wooyoung's hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll do great today. Let's give it our all."

Wooyoung squeezed back, his eyes shining with confidence. With that, they left the dorm, ready to face the challenges and opportunities that awaited them at the company. The day was just beginning, and they were eager to make the most of it.

They were a little late getting to the company since San insisted on having breakfast. They grabbed it quickly to go and returned to their route to the company.

As San and Wooyoung stepped into the practice room, they were greeted by the familiar faces of their fellow members. Hongjoong was already setting up the music, his focused expression glowing with dedication. Seonghwa and Yunho were stretching, preparing their bodies for the intense practice ahead. Yeosang, Mingi, and Jongho were chatting animatedly, their laughter filling the room with a sense of camaraderie.

"Good morning, everyone!" San called out, his voice full of energy.

"Morning!" the members chorused back, their smiles reflecting their shared excitement.

Wooyoung joined in the stretching, feeling the tension ease from his muscles. "Ready to give it our all today?" he asked, looking around at his friends.

"Always," Hongjoong replied, a determined glint in his eye. "Let's make this practice count."

With a collective nod, the group fell into their routine, each member pushing themselves to the limit. The room was filled with the sound of music, synchronized movements, and the occasional cheer of encouragement. They worked hard, driven by their shared dreams and the bond that held them together.

As the practice session progressed, their movements became more fluid, their synchronization tighter. They could feel the progress they were making, each step bringing them closer to their goals. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the energy of their passion and determination.

By the time they finished, they were exhausted but exhilarated. San and Wooyoung exchanged a look, their eyes reflecting the same sense of accomplishment and pride.

As the final notes of their routine echoed through the practice room, the door swung open, revealing their manager and the CEO. The sudden interruption caused the members to pause, their breaths still heavy from the intense practice.

"Good morning, everyone," the manager greeted, his tone professional yet warm. "We need to have a quick meeting."

The CEO stepped forward, his presence commanding the room, and in his hands was a scale—the same one the boys had been made to step on a couple of weeks ago for their weigh-in. When Wooyoung's eyes landed on it, shivers ran down his spine, and a wave of anxiety washed over him at the thought of having to go through that ordeal again.

Sensing Wooyoung's distress, San immediately grabbed his hand, rubbing his thumb gently over Wooyoung's skin in an attempt to reassure him. Despite his efforts to stay calm for Wooyoung's sake, San couldn't help but feel a surge of anger at the sight of the scale. The memory of that humiliating experience was still fresh for all of them.

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