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As San arrives, the front door creaks open to a symphony of chaos. The air is thick with the sounds of playful arguing, and above it all, Wooyoung's infectious laughter rings out, a sound that never fails to make San's heart skip a beat. He can't help but let a smile spread across his face, the tension of the day melting away.

He follows the voices, the sounds growing louder as he approaches Jongho, Yeosang and Wooyoung's shared room. The door is cracked, and through the gap, he spots the four of them: Wooyoung, Jongho, Yeosang, and Yunho, huddled around a phone propped up on a tripod, broadcasting their game live on VLive.

Jongho's voice rises above the rest, "No, Yeosang! You can't just change the rules mid-game!"

Yeosang retorts with a sly grin, "I'm not changing anything, I'm just playing strategically."

Wooyoung, the instigator, chimes in, "Guys, guys, let's not fight. Unless... it gets us more views, then by all means, proceed!"

Yunho's laugh joins the mix, warm and grounding, "You're all ridiculous, you know that, right?"

The viewers are eating it up, their comments flying across the screen, a blur of emojis and exclamation points.

San leans against the doorframe, content to watch the four of them in their element. The Animal Kingdom game may be the focus, but it's their friendship that truly captivates the audience. San can't resist calling out, teasing, "Save some chaos for me, will you?"

The room erupts in welcomes, the game momentarily forgotten. San's entrance immediately shifts the dynamic, the guys beckoning him with wide grins. The viewers are loving it, their excitement spilling into the comments, urging San to join.

With a playful roll of his eyes, San makes his way into the room, settling down amongst his friends, ready to dive into the playful chaos. San sits down by Wooyoung, who gives him a shy smile. The game resumes, and with each round, their antics become more animated, their laughter louder. The VLive comments continue to explode with hearts and laughter.

The atmosphere shifts as Wooyoung, with that signature twinkle in his eye, spots a comment that catches his attention. "Oh? 'Yeosang is mine', huh?" He chuckles, playfully nudging Yeosang. "Sorry to break it to you, ATINY, but this guy is actually mine."

San's heart skips a beat, a weird sensation knotting in his stomach. He tries to keep his composure, aware of the thousands of eyes on them through the live stream. But then, the moment stretches thin as Wooyoung leans over and plants a cheeky kiss on Yeosang's cheek, declaring a smug "Mine."

The color drains from San's face, his playful facade crumbling. The light-hearted banter feels like it's taken a serious turn, and he's suddenly unsure how to react with the camera still rolling and ATINY watching every move.

The room goes quiet for a split second, the tension almost palpable. San's eyes dart between Wooyoung and Yeosang, his mind racing. He swallows hard, forcing a small, tight-lipped smile as he tries to regain his composure. The chat, however, explodes with a mix of shocked and excited messages, the fans reacting in real-time to the unexpected display of affection.

Yeosang, ever the peacemaker, laughs it off and tries to diffuse the situation. "You guys are too much," he says, shaking his head with a grin. San nods, playing along, but there's a noticeable shift in his energy. He glances off-camera for a moment, taking a deep breath to center himself.

San's smile doesn't quite reach his eyes as he glances at his bandmates.  "Hey, ATINY, I'm really sorry but I've got to head off to bed now," he says abruptly, his voice light but strained. The fans flood the chat with questions and concerned emojis, sensing the shift in his mood.

"Please don't worry about me, I just need some rest. You all mean the world to us, and I promise we'll talk more soon. Goodnight, love you guys." He says with a small, bittersweet smile. As he exits the room, the remaining members look at each other, a silent communication passing between them before they turn back to the live, carrying on with an added effort to engage the fans and fill the sudden void left by San's absence.

In the quiet of his room, San lets out a heavy sigh and sits down at his desk, the weight of the evening pressing down on him. "Mine," he scuffs to himself, "Yeosang is mine." His hands find his face, muffling the world away for a moment. "It's always Yeosang."

Meanwhile, in the other room the live session wraps up. The room empties out leaving Wooyoung and Yeosang alone. Yeosang's voice cuts through the silence, tinged with worry. "Why did San leave like that? He seemed really upset," he asks. Wooyoung's face falls as he recalls the incident that may have triggered San's mood, a pang of guilt washing over him. "I think...I think I know why," he admits reluctantly, the realization settling in. He gets up without another word, making his way out the room.

Wooyoung stands hesitantly at San's door. He knocks, San immediately replies, "Who is it?" Wooyoung takes a deep breath before replying, "It's me." There's silence from within for a moment before San's voice, edged with hurt, asks, "What do you want?"

To Wooyoung's surprise the door opens. "I'm sorry, San," he says as he steps inside, his eyes searching San's face for forgiveness. "I didn't think about how that... how my actions would affect you." He hopes his apology can start to heal whatever rift his impulsive kiss with Yeosang has caused.

San sits down with his back to Wooyoung, a clear sign of his displeasure. The tension in the room is thick as Wooyoung takes a tentative step forward. "I know I messed up, and I can't take it back, but I want you to know it meant nothing," Wooyoung continues, sincerity coloring his tone. He waits, hoping San will turn around and give him a chance to explain.

The silence stretches on, each second feeling like an eternity to Wooyoung. Finally, San turns, his expression a mix of hurt and confusion. "Why, Wooyoung? Why him? Why is it always him?" he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't help but feel a mix of jealousy and hurt. Wooyoung, his boyfriend, was always wrapped around Yeosang. Wooyoung's heart clenches at the pain in San's eyes, and he knows he has to make things right. "It was a stupid joke, San. You're the one I care about," he says, his own voice thick with emotion.

San's gaze flickers with a complex storm of emotions, searching Wooyoung's face for sincerity. There's a long pause where only their shared breaths can be heard. "Do you mean that?" San's voice cracks, revealing his vulnerability. Wooyoung nods, stepping closer, his resolve firm. "I do, more than anything," he assures, reaching out tentatively, hoping for a sign of forgiveness.

San's expression softens, and he takes a deep breath, the weight of his next words apparent. "I don't want to keep you from being friends with the others, Wooyoung," he starts, his gaze steady. "But please, don't kiss them in front of me again. I get that's how you are with them but it hurt more than I expected, especially when I want nothing more than to tell the world you're mine." There's a raw honesty in his voice that tugs at Wooyoung's heartstrings,  he nods in understanding, regretting the pain he caused. "I promise, San. It was thoughtless of me. You're the only one I want to be close to like that," Wooyoung assures him, sealing his vow with a look of sincere devotion.

After a moment of hesitation, San finally meets Wooyoung's eyes, his decision clear. "I want to tell the others about us," he says, his voice steady with newfound resolve. "I'm tired of hiding how I feel about you." His admission hangs between them, an invitation for a new beginning.

Wooyoung's response is immediate, his eyes shining with a mixture of joy and something akin to awe. "Really?" he says. San nods, a small grin now replacing his frown. "Let's tell the others tomorrow, after practice," he suggests, a determined note in his voice. Wooyoung's heart swells with hope, and he nods, silently promising to stand by San's side, no matter what comes next.

As Wooyoung moves to leave, San reaches out, his hand gently grasping Wooyoung's wrist. "Stay with me tonight, again?" he asks, hope lacing his words. Wooyoung's heart skips a beat, and he smiles, his plans for the night instantly changing. "I'd like that," he replies, knowing that every moment spent with San is where he truly wants to be.

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