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The studio was quiet, the only sounds the soft hum of the equipment and the occasional click of my mouse. It was around 3 AM and I was deep in work. The beats of the new track pulsed through the speakers, a rhythm that echoed the steady determination in my chest. I was in the zone, layering sounds and tweaking the melody, lost in the creative flow.

Then, my phone started buzzing like a hive of angry bees. I sighed, expecting the usual chaos from the Ateez group chat. Maybe Yeosang was sharing another meme, or Mingi was complaining about his late-night cravings again in hopes someone would go to the convince store for him. But as I glanced at the screen, my heart dropped.

"BREAKING NEWS: ATEEZ members Wooyoung and San are spotted on a romantic date!"

I blinked, not trusting my eyes. I swiped open the first article, then another, and another. The headlines screamed at me, each one more sensational than the last. Photos of Wooyoung and San, looking undeniably close, filled the screen. They were laughing, leaning into each other, their chemistry palpable even through the pixels.

My mind raced. How had this happened? We were always so careful, always aware of the cameras, the fans, the scrutiny. I felt a knot of anxiety tighten in my chest. This wasn't just about them; it was about all of us. Our careers, our image, our future.

I shot up from my chair, pacing the small studio space. I needed to think, to process, but more than anything, I needed to talk to the guys. I grabbed my phone and fired off a message to the group chat.

"Guys, emergency meeting. Now. Check the news."

Almost immediately, the chat exploded with responses.

"What's going on?" - Seonghwa

"Why are you up so late?" - Yeosang

"Did something happen?" - Jongho

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my cool. "Just check the news. Wooyoung and San have been exposed. We need to figure this out."

The responses came in a flurry, a mix of shock, confusion, and concern.

"Are you serious?" - Yunho

"How did this get out?" - Mingi

"Is everyone okay?" - Seonghwa

I glanced at the clock. It was 3:15 AM, and the night was far from over. I knew we had to handle this carefully. The media could be ruthless, and our fans would have a million questions.

I continued scrolling through the articles, my heart pounding even harder. And then I saw it—a picture of Wooyoung and San kissing, clear as day. My jaw dropped. This was huge.

As if that wasn't enough, there were videos too. Clips of them holding hands while walking down the street, looking completely at ease and happy. It was like a scene from a drama, only this was real life, and the stakes were sky-high.

I couldn't believe my eyes. This wasn't just a rumor anymore; it was undeniable. The media had a field day with this, and I knew our fans would be in a frenzy. I felt a mix of emotions—shock, worry, but also a strange sense of pride. They looked genuinely happy together.

I fired off another message to the group chat, attaching the article to my message. "There's a kissing photo and videos of them holding hands. We need to address this ASAP."

The chat went silent for a moment, and then the messages started flooding in.

"Whoa, this is big." - Jongho

"Are they okay? Has anyone talked to them?" - Yeosang

"We need to get ahead of this before it spirals out of control." - Seonghwa

I watched the group chat buzz with activity. Yunho sent a quick update, "I'm heading to Wooyoung and San's room now. They were asleep, so I'll wake them up and let them know what's going on."

I took a deep breath and started typing out a plan. "First, we need to check on Wooyoung and San. Make sure they're okay and see how they want to handle this. Then, we should get our PR team involved to craft a statement. We need to be supportive and honest, but also protect their privacy."

Seonghwa chimed in, "We'll figure this out together."

I added, "I'll head to our managers office. We need to be ready to release something by morning. Have them come to the company ASAP."

"I'll monitor social media and see how the fans are reacting. We need to be prepared for anything." - Jongho

After reading Jongho's text I slipped my phone into my pocket. In a hurry, I left the studio, my heart pounding as I made my way to the manager's office. I knocked lightly before stepping inside, finding the manager already looking concerned.

"Hongjoong, what's going on?" he asked, his eyes searching mine for answers.

"We have a situation," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. "San and Wooyoung... they've been in a secret relationship for a couple of months now. Someone exposed them tonight. There are tons of articles, and the media is going crazy."

The manager's eyes widened in shock. "What? How did this happen?"

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure. "I don't know all the details yet, but there are photos. Someone must have been following them. The fans are divided, and it's turning into a huge mess."

The manager sighed, rubbing his temples. "Okay, we'll have to deny it. We'll say they're just close friends and that the photos were taken out of context."

I shook my head, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach. "We can't. There are kissing photos. There's no way we can deny it."

The manager's face paled. "Kissing photos? This is bad, Hongjoong. Really bad."

"I know," I said, sinking into a chair at the desk, burying my face in my hands. "San and Wooyoung are at the dorm, Yunho just woke them up. I haven't gotten anymore updates yet."

The manager picked up the phone to call the CEO and PR team. "We need to address this immediately," he said, his tone urgent. "This could escalate quickly if we don't manage it right."

As he spoke to the higher-ups, I couldn't help but worry about San and Wooyoung. I knew this was what San feared the most—being thrust into the harsh spotlight of controversy. The memory of our conversation played over and over in my mind. The fear and vulnerability San had shown that night made my heart ached for him. His worst nightmare was coming true and I have no way to shield him from it.

"Hang in there, Hongjoong," the manager said, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder after finishing his calls. "We'll get through this. The PR team is drafting a statement as we speak."

I nodded, trying to muster some hope. "I just... I hope San and Wooyoung are okay. San was really afraid of something like this happening."

"We'll support them," the manager assured me. "We'll support all of you. Just stay strong and keep communicating with the team."

I took a deep breath, feeling a bit of the tension ease. This was a storm we had to

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