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Wooyoung, with his hair still damp from the shower, stepped into the room, the scent of his soap trailing behind him. San, sprawled on the bed with a lazy grin, glanced up from his phone.

"Making yourself at home in my bathroom, Woo?" San teased, his eyes crinkling in amusement.

Wooyoung chuckled, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. "Yours has the better shower head. You know I can't resist it," he replied, picking out some of San's clothes to wear. Something about Wooyoung wearing his clothes made San's heart flutter.

After raiding San's closet, Wooyoung moved to the bed laying down beside San. Their faces were just inches apart now, and the playful air shifted to something softer, more intimate. San studied Wooyoung's features, the way the light caught on his still-wet lashes, the droplets on his skin.

"You're just... really beautiful, you know that?" San murmured, his voice a gentle hum.

Wooyoung's cheeks flushed with a warmth that had nothing to do with the steam from the shower. "So are you," he whispered back.

San's heart thrummed a little louder in his chest. "Woo, i want to take you on a date tonight. It's our day off, and we don't know when we'll get another one."

Wooyoung's smile was answer enough, a silent promise of the evening to come.

"Where should we go? What do you feel like doing?" Wooyoung's eyes sparkled with curiosity, eager for whatever adventure lay ahead.

San propped himself on one elbow, considering Wooyoung with a thoughtful gaze. "I know you wanted to go walk by the Han River today. So we can start the night there, the rest is a surprise."

"That sounds perfect," Wooyoung agreed, his heart swelling with affection for the simplicity and thoughtfulness of the plan. "Just us, the stars, and the city lights."

San reached out, brushing a damp lock of hair from Wooyoung's forehead. "It's a date then," he said, his voice a soft promise.

They lay there for a moment longer, the world outside their quiet haven fading into insignificance, both looking forward to the peace of the night ahead with just the two of them.

As they spent the rest of their evening together, the air was filled with a sense of playful anticipation. Noticing the time getting closer and closer, San got up to change, playfully slapping Wooyoung's butt on the way. "Alright, go get dressed. We've got an amazing night ahead of us," San said, his tone light and teasing.

Wooyoung shot him a bright, cheeky grin over his shoulder. "I'll be quick, promise," he replied, his excitement for the evening growing. The promise of San's surprise kept his steps light as he moved to get ready for what was sure to be a memorable night.

With a spring in his step, Wooyoung disappeared to get dressed, leaving San to ponder the details of the evening. He wanted everything to be perfect, from the walk they'd take to the table he'd reserved at Wooyoung's favorite restaurant. It was a place they'd laughed and shared stories before, and San was eager to add another chapter to their collection of shared memories. The anticipation of Wooyoung's reaction made every moment leading up to the surprise even more thrilling.

As San slipped into his sleek jacket, he heard a knock on his door. With a confident smile, he called out, "Wow, you're done already?" Expecting to see Wooyoung's familiar grin, he turned, but instead, his eyes met Hongjoong's amused expression. "Guess again," Hongjoong teased, stepping inside with a chuckle. San's surprise quickly turned into laughter, the mix-up adding an unexpected twist to the start of his night.

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