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The morning sun filters in late through the curtains, and the dorm remains unusually quiet, everyone savoring the rarity of a morning without alarms. As they each wake up, the realization that the day is theirs to enjoy brings an easy energy to the dorm, filled with the comfort of each other's company on this day off.

San stirs first, the warmth of the morning sun on his face. He turns to Wooyoung, who's still deep in slumber, and admires the peaceful expression he wears. Leaning in, San plants a gentle kiss on Wooyoung's forehead. Quietly, he slips out of bed, careful not to wake him, and heads for a refreshing shower to start the day.

The sound of water running is muffled by the closed bathroom door as San enjoys the warm water. Meanwhile, the rest of the dorm begins to come alive, soft footsteps and muted conversations creating soft background noise.

After his shower, San, wrapped in the comfort of a fresh towel, pauses at the doorway, glancing back at Wooyoung. The sight of him, still peaceful sleeping, brings a smile to San's face. With the day ahead promising no schedules or obligations, he feels a lightness in his step as he quickly gets dress. After throwing on a t-shirt and sweatpants, he moves to the kitchen, ready to surprise Wooyoung and the others with a hearty breakfast.

San knows Wooyoung is usually the one who brings the dorm to life with his cooking, filling it with the aroma of delicious meals. Today, he wants to flip the script, to make Wooyoung feel cherished by taking on the role of chef. As he enters the kitchen, he finds Seonghwa already there, a knowing smile on his face as if he understands San's mission to give Wooyoung that special sense of being cared for on their day off.

"Morning, Seonghwa," San greets him cheerfully, his hands already reaching for the pans. "I'm planning to cook breakfast for everyone today."

Seonghwa looks up from his cup of coffee, an amused twinkle in his eye. "That's a nice change. Need any help?"

San shakes his head with a grin. "I've got this. But if you could set the table, that'd be awesome. Let's make it a surprise."

"Sure thing," Seonghwa replies, setting his cup down. "It'll be our little project. The look on Wooyoung's face will be priceless."

As San begins to gather ingredients, the clatter of pots and pans creates a rhythm in the kitchen. Seonghwa quietly arranges the plates and cutlery on the table, occasionally glancing over with a smile at San's determined expression. The sizzling sound soon fills the air as San focuses on preparing Wooyoung's favorite breakfast, hoping to start their day with a gesture of gratitude and warmth.

The enticing aroma of cooking starts to weave through the dorm, a gentle way to rouse the others from their slumber. Seonghwa, moving with practiced ease, finishes setting the table just as the first of their roommates appears, rubbing sleep from his eyes and drawn to the kitchen by the smell. San flips a pancake with a flourish, a satisfied smile on his face, knowing that this breakfast will be a small but meaningful token of his appreciation for Wooyoung's usual culinary dedication.

As more members trickle into the kitchen, lured by the scent of breakfast, San greets each with a bright "Good morning!" and a nod towards the table.

"Wow, San's cooking today?" Jongho teases with a sleepy grin.

"Yup, and I'm expecting excellent reviews," San chuckles, flipping another pancake. "Go sit down, I'll bring it over when it's all ready."

The members, chuckling among themselves, take their seats, whispering about the unexpected treat. Seonghwa, playing the role of the host, pours them coffee.

The last pancake lands on the stack with a soft plop, and San nods to Seonghwa, "All done. Can you start plating for me?" He glances around, his brow furrowing slightly. "Wait, where's Wooyoung?"

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