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The first light of morning filters through the window as San blinks awake, reaching out only to find the space beside him empty. Wooyoung is no longer there, the sheets cool to the touch, a stark contrast to the warmth of their embrace from the night before.

San stretches, the sound of the shower running in the background catching his attention. A smile tugs at his lips, knowing Wooyoung is just in the bathroom. San reaches for his phone on the nightstand, thumb idly flicking through the screen, scrolling through updates and messages as he waits for Wooyoung to finish his shower.

Moments later, the sound of the shower cuts off, and after a short pause, the bathroom door opens. Wooyoung emerges, a cloud of steam following him out, his hair damp and clinging to his forehead. San looks up from his phone, his scrolling forgotten, as he greets Wooyoung with a warm smile.

As Wooyoung steps out, San sets his phone aside and looks at him affectionately. "Good morning, baby," he says softly, his voice warm, a gentle smile playing on his lips. Wooyoung walks toward the bed, leaning down to peck San's lips, "Good morning." He then turns his attention to San's closet.

With a teasing glint in his eyes, San watches Wooyoung rummage through the closet. "Planning on stealing my shirts again, huh?" he chuckles, the mock accusation softened by his fond tone.

Wooyoung turns to flash San a mischievous smile, holding up one of San's shirts. "Guilty as charged," he admits with a playful shrug. "They're just more comfortable, you know?" His laughter fills the room, as light and carefree as the morning sun filtering through the curtains.

San's smile deepens,"Your laugh is the best sound to start the day," he says, his heart feeling lighter already.

Wooyoung nods towards the bathroom, a gentle prompt in his voice. "Your turn for the shower. We should head out soon." San's eyes follow him, a playful smirk forming. "Next time, wake me up for it, yeah? We could save some time," he teases, the suggestion hanging between them, light and easy.

Wooyoung's laughter rings out again, and he winks. "Deal, it would save a lot of water," he teases back. He tosses San's towel in his direction, the fabric sailing through the air. "Now hurry up, or we'll be late." His tone is light, but there's a hint of urgency—they have places to be, and the day waits for no one.

Wooyoung slips out of San's room, his footsteps quiet as he moves towards his own space. He catches sight of some of the other members in the kitchen, their morning chatter and the clinking of dishes a familiar backdrop. The memories of last night flicker in his mind, but he pushes them aside, focusing on what he needs to grab. A small sigh escapes him as he decides to skip breakfast, not feeling quite up to it just yet.

After about 40 minutes, the hustle of getting ready comes to a close. Everyone gathers their things, checks their appearance one last time, and with a collective energy of anticipation, they head out the door.

After a long drive they arrive. The studio door swung open, and the members of Ateez stepped inside. The familiar scent of hairspray and makeup greeted them as they made their way to the touch-up area, a crucial pit stop before any on-camera appearance.

They settled into their chairs, and the makeup artists got to work, expertly adding final touches to ensure each member looked flawless for the cameras. Mingi threw a playful wink at the mirror, while San's laughter mingled with the low hum of the studio.

As the stylists made their final adjustments, the host of the interview, a woman with a warm smile and a clipboard full of notes, entered the room. She approached Ateez with an air of professionalism that did little to hide her excitement.

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