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As the evening sets in, the group makes their way to the restaurant, laughter and light banter filling the air. They arrive at the cozy, warmly lit Korean BBQ place, greeted by the inviting aroma of grilling meat.

They settle around a large table, the grill sizzling in the center. "This is the life," Hongjoong says, raising his glass, prompting others to join in. "To WooSan, to us, to our future!"

"Cheers!" they all echo, the clinking of glasses mingling with the lively atmosphere of the restaurant.

As the first pieces of meat hit the grill, Jongho teases, "I bet I can drink more than you tonight, Mingi!" Mingi just laughs and retorts, "You're on, maknae!"

Throughout the dinner, the air is filled with the sounds of their enjoyment – the crackling grill, the chatter, and the occasional burst of laughter when someone shares a joke or a fond memory. "Remember that time WooSan pranked Hongjoong with the fake bug?" Yunho recalls, and the table erupts into another round of laughter.

The night continues with each member taking turns grilling, sharing stories, and reveling in the joy of their shared success and friendship. It's a night that encapsulates the essence of their bond, one that they'll look back on with fondness in the years to come.

The drive back is quiet, the road stretching out in front of them, the night sky a blanket of stars. San glances in the rearview mirror to see Wooyoung and Seonghwa, both fast asleep, heads moving gently with the motion of the car.

"Looks like they're out," San observes with a soft chuckle, turning down the music so as not to disturb their slumbering bandmates.

"Yeah, today was a good day," Yunho replies, a contented smile on his face. "It's in these quiet moments, you really feel how much we've grown together, you know?"

San nods, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery. "We've come a long way. Makes you wonder what's next for us, huh?"

The conversation drifts from dreams for the future to fond recollections of the past. The journey home, though long, is made short by their shared comfort and the silent, sleeping company of their friends.

The car hums along, and Yunho's voice cuts through the stillness. "Hey, San, how did you know you were in love with Wooyoung?"

San smiles faintly, "You know, it was the little things. Like catching myself staring at him, or feeling a rush when he laughed at my jokes. It just clicked one day."

After a pause, San turns to Yunho, "Is this about Mingi?"

Yunho's surprise is evident. "How did you...?"

"It's not hard to see, man," San says gently. "You've been spending every night curled up on the couch with him instead of in our room. I've been there, I know what it looks like."

Yunho's quiet for a moment, then lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding, the truth of San's words settling in.

Yunho's voice is barely above a whisper, "I think I do have feelings for Mingi. It's just... we've been friends for so long, I'm scared to tell him."

San reaches over, giving Yunho's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "I get it, but sometimes taking that leap can turn into the best thing ever. Just be honest with him, and with yourself."

Yunho nods, the weight of his secret lightened by sharing it. "You're right, I just don't want to ruin what we already have, you know?"

"Don't worry," San says, his tone warm and encouraging. "Whatever happens, it'll be okay. Mingi cares about you a lot, too. Just follow your heart, Yunho."

Pulling into the driveway, the car's engine shuts off and the group stirs awake. They shuffle inside, the air buzzing with the anticipation of a well-deserved day off tomorrow. Wooyoung, still half-asleep, follows San to his room, a new routine that's become a silent acknowledgment of their relationship.

Once they're alone, San whispers, "I'm really happy we told everyone. Being with you, it's made me the happiest I've been in a long time."

Wooyoung, nestled close in the quiet of San's room, looks up at him with a soft smile. "I feel the same," he murmurs back. "There's no place I'd rather be than right here with you." Their shared contentment fills the room, a silent promise of more happy days to come.

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