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Wooyoung and San woke up to the gentle light of morning filtering through the curtains. They shared a brief, comfortable silence, acknowledging the rare luxury of a schedule-free week ahead. Stretching and yawning, they made their way into the living room, where the rest of their friends were already gathered, lounging in various states of relaxation.

Mingi was sprawled on the couch, headphones around his neck, bobbing his head to a silent rhythm. Yunho and Yeosang were stretching on the floor, preparing for a workout soon. Hongjoong was nestled in an armchair with a lyric book, his expression one of contented peace.

As Wooyoung and San entered the room, the atmosphere was warm and welcoming, the usual urgency of their daily routine replaced by an air of leisure and comfort.

"Morning," San greeted, his voice still rough with sleep.

The response was a chorus of "morning" from around the room, each in varying degrees of alertness.

Wooyoung, who had been advised to take it easy for the week, sank into an empty spot on the sofa, a contented sigh escaping him. "It feels weird not having anything to do," he admitted, the corners of his mouth turning up in a relaxed smile.

"Yeah, but you need the rest," San replied, settling next to him and stretching his legs out. "We all could use a break."

The group nodded in agreement, the sentiment hanging in the air like a shared secret. For once, their world wasn't dictated by schedules, practices, or performances. The past weeks had been a whirlwind of schedules, promotions, and appearances, leaving little room for the group to breathe, let alone recover.

Wooyoung made a beeline for the kitchen. "Seonghwa-hyung, do you need help with breakfast?" he called out.

Seonghwa peeked his head around the corner, a spatula in hand. "Sure, if you can handle the toast without burning it this time," he teased.

Wooyoung grinned and joined Seonghwa in the kitchen, while San stayed seated on the couch, soaking in the warmth of the room filled with his friends, each starting the day in their own unique way. It was a simple moment, but it was these times together that often felt the most special.

Mingi, who had been quietly observing from the other end of the couch, chuckled at the banter and shook his head. "I bet five bucks the toast will be charcoal," he joked, looking over at Yunho.

Yunho laughed and replied, "I'll take that bet. Wooyoung's been practicing, haven't you seen his 'perfect toast' dance?"

The room erupted in a mix of laughter and playful groans as Wooyoung stuck his head out from the kitchen, feigning offense. "You guys have so little faith in me! Watch and learn, I'm going to make the best toast you've ever tasted."

San chuckled at the friendly teasing and stood up, deciding to join the kitchen crew. "I'll help with the eggs then. We need an edible breakfast."

As the members continued their morning routines, the scent of coffee brewing and toast toasting filled the air, mingling with the sound of laughter and the warmth of companionship. It was a chaotic but cozy start to the day.

Jongho, the last to join the morning assembly, emerged from his room, stretching his arms with a wide yawn. His eyes scanned the living room, taking in the sight of his members scattered around, each busy with their own tasks.

"Did I miss the breakfast rush?" Jongho asked, his voice still heavy with sleep.

"Nope, you're just in time," San called out from the kitchen, where he was carefully flipping eggs in a pan. "Wooyoung's on toast, I'm on eggs, and Seonghwa's the master chef as usual."

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