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Wooyoung stirred, the morning light casting a warm glow across the room. He blinked open his eyes, finding San's face just inches from his own. They had fallen asleep entwined in each other's arms, a silent testament to the night's confessions.

"Morning," San whispered, his voice deep with sleep.

Wooyoung smiled, his heart feeling lighter than it had in weeks. "Morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Best sleep in a long time," San admitted, tucking a stray lock of hair behind Wooyoung's ear. The intimacy of the gesture made Wooyoung's smile widen.

They lay there for a moment, comfortable in the silence, until the weight of their new reality began to settle in. Wooyoung's expression grew thoughtful. "San, should we... tell the others about us?"

San's brow furrowed slightly. "I don't know. Part of me wants to keep this just between us for a little while longer. It's so new, and I don't want anything to change."

Wooyoung nodded, understanding the sentiment. "I get that. But it's also kind of exciting, isn't it? Being able to be open about how we feel?"

"Yeah, it is," San agreed, his lips curving into a hopeful smile. "But we should probably think about how it'll affect everyone. The dynamics, they could shift."

"True," Wooyoung conceded. "But whatever we decide, we'll face it together, right?"

"Right," San confirmed, his voice strong and sure. "Together."

They fell into a comfortable silence once again, each lost in thought about the future and what it held for them, both as individuals and as a couple. Whatever they decided, it was clear that their journey was just beginning.

San closed his eyes hoping to get a little more sleep in. That was until the warmth on his side left. San stirred in his bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Mmm... practice?" he mumbled sleepily.

Wooyoung, already halfway out of bed, turned back with a soft chuckle. "Yeah. You coming?" He took this time to examine San's bare chest, admiring his broad shoulders and defined chest.

With a groan, San propped himself up on one elbow. "Give me five minutes," he said, his words sounding so much sexier coated in his morning voice. San noticed Wooyoung's wondering eyes. "You see something you like baby?" he said with a smirk.

Wooyoung rolled his eyes, tossing a pillow gently at San before slipping out of the room, making sure to grab one of San's hoodies before leaving. "Hurry up we can't be late."

San caught the pillow, a smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, yeah," he called after him.

Wooyoung tiptoed out of San's room, the soft fabric of the hoodie giving him a sense of warmth and security. He paused, listening for any signs of movement from the other members. The coast seemed clear until he reached the hallway.

As he made his way to his room, the faint aroma of coffee wafted through the air. Wooyoung's heart skipped a beat as he turned the corner, only to find Seonghwa leaning against the kitchen counter, a mug in his hand. Their eyes met, and for a moment, Wooyoung felt like he was caught in a spotlight.

Seonghwa's lips curled into a knowing smile, but he said nothing. Instead, he simply raised his mug in a silent salute before taking a sip. The message was clear: he had seen, but he would keep this secret.

Wooyoung let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding and offered a small, grateful smile in return. With Seonghwa's silent blessing, he felt a little more confident, wearing the hoodie like a badge of honor as he went to get ready for practice.

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