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The tension in the room seemed to tighten as the doctor approached, the manager close behind him. The group instinctively gathered closer, bracing for the news. The sterile white walls of the hospital corridor seemed to close in on them as the doctor delivered the news.

His face was neutral as he began to explain, "Wooyoung passed out due to exhaustion, dehydration, and dangerously low blood sugar levels. Fortunately, he's stable now, just some bruising and a busted lip to show for the ordeal. He is resting right now and receiving fluids. We will run some more tests tomorrow. You all are allowed to visit but due to hospital policy, only one can remain by his side through the night."

A collective sigh rippled through the group, shoulders dropping as the weight of worry lifted. Smiles began to break through, expressions of relief at the reassuring prognosis. Yet, amidst the general ease, San and Hongjoong remained tense, their faces still etched with concern.

San's eyes were clouded with guilt, his voice barely a whisper, "I should've noticed... I should've done something."

Hongjoong placed a hand on San's shoulder, squeezing gently. "We all should have," he said, his voice firm with the responsibility he felt as a leader. "But what matters now is that he's okay. We'll do better. We'll take care of each other."

The room filled with nods of agreement, a silent pact between them all to be more vigilant. As the doctor and manager excused themselves, the members of ATEEZ knew the road ahead would involve changes, but they were ready to face them together, for Wooyoung and for each other.

The decision among the members of who would stay was unanimous without a moment's hesitation; it had to be San. Before leaving for the night they all took turns popping in to see Wooyoung, murmuring words of encouragement and leaving small tokens of affection, the atmosphere was a mix of concern and hope.

Seeing him this way was not an easy pill for them to swallow, but they all kept holding onto the fact he was okay.

Seonghwa lingered at the doorway, his gaze lingering on San and Wooyoung. With a resolve that was both comforting and protective, he stepped forward, enveloping San in a reassuring hug.

"Call me for anything, okay? I'll be here in a flash," Seonghwa whispered, his voice a low murmur meant only for San's ears. The promise was sincere, a lifeline offered in the stillness of the hospital room.

San nodded, his voice reflecting gratitude and a deep trust in Seonghwa. "Thanks, hyung. I'll call if anything comes up," he murmured.

With a final squeeze, Seonghwa stepped back, his eyes holding San's for a moment longer, conveying a depth of brotherhood that words could never fully express. Then, with a heavy heart but a hopeful spirit, he turned and followed the others out.

Finally alone with Wooyoung, San took his place standing at his bedside, his presence a silent promise of unwavering support through the night. San gently brushed away a stray lock of hair from Wooyoung's forehead as he slept.

He pulled up a chair close to Wooyoung's bed, watching over him with a mix of concern and relief. Even in the dim light of the room, the bruising and busted lip were visible signs of what Wooyoung had been through.

San reached out, gently taking Wooyoung's hand. He knew the road to recovery would be tough, but he also knew that Wooyoung was strong, and he wasn't alone. The quiet hum of the hospital faded into the background as San's thoughts drifted to their recent schedules, the grueling practices, and the warning signs they had all missed. He made a silent vow to himself and to Wooyoung that he would do more to ensure that this wouldn't happen again.

San's heart ached with a profound love and guilt as he held Wooyoung's hand. His eyes, blurred with tears, were fixed on Wooyoung's peaceful face, the face he had come to love so deeply.

"I'm so sorry, my love," San whispered, his voice laced with a tender sorrow. "I should have been more attentive. I should have seen the weight you were carrying. It's my role to protect you, to be your strength when you feel weak, and I feel like I failed you."

The floodgates opened as San allowed his emotions to flow freely, his words a soft stream of love and regret. "The sight of you lying there, hurt... it was unbearable. You're the one who brings so much joy and laughter into my life, and seeing you like this... it's the hardest thing I've ever faced."

He continued to speak, his confessions of sadness and fear mingling with the love and hope that filled every word. "But I want you to know, Wooyoung, you're not alone in this. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. We're going to get through this together, side by side."

He squeezed Wooyoung's hand, searching for a response in the subtle movements of his fingers. "I promise you, I'll be better. I'll be the one you can lean on."

San's eyes never left Wooyoung's face, watching for any sign of awakening. "You mean everything to me, and I love you more than words can say. You've always been my rock, and now, it's my turn to be yours."

He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Wooyoung's hand, letting his lips linger a moment longer as if to transfer all his love through that one touch. "We have so many more memories to make, so many more moments to share. I'll be right here, waiting for you, for as long as it takes. Wake up soon, my love."

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