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Back at the dorm, Seonghwa rolled up his sleeves, ready to take on the role of chef for the evening. "Yunho, could you give me a hand with dinner?" he asked, already rummaging through the fridge for ingredients.

"Sure thing, hyung," Yunho replied with his characteristic bright smile, joining Seonghwa in the kitchen. The two of them worked in harmony, the clinking of pots and pans and the sizzle of food cooking filling the space with a homely atmosphere.

Meanwhile, San slipped away to freshen up, the warmth of the shower washing away the remnants of the day's work. As the water cascaded over him, he thought about the live, about Wooyoung's practice, and about the comfort of ending the day surrounded by his members.

Dinner preparations were in full swing by the time San finished his shower, the delicious aroma wafting through the dorm. With a towel wrapped around his waist and another drying his hair, San padded into the kitchen to see what was on the menu and to sneak a taste of whatever Seonghwa and Yunho were cooking up.

As San crept closer to the stove, his eyes locked on the simmering pot, He gently grabbed the spoon bringing it to his lips. Seonghwa caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of his eye. With a chuckle and swift reflexes, Seonghwa grabbed a kitchen towel and threw it in San's direction. "Go put some clothes on!" he playfully scolded, shielding his eyes with a hand. "Wooyoung isn't here to seduce."

Yunho couldn't help but join in with a teasing comment, "Yeah, save the charm for the live audience!" His laughter mingled with San's, who couldn't help but laugh at his friends' antics.

San retreated to his room, the taste of the stew still lingering on his lips. He was already looking forward to the meal, but first, he needed to get dressed for the evening ahead.

In the privacy of his room, San rifled through his wardrobe for something to wear. It seemed that most of his favorite clothes had mysteriously migrated to Wooyoung's room. With a playful roll of his eyes, he accepted the fate of their shared wardrobe. As he delved deeper into the closet, his fingers brushed against the fabric of a familiar garment—the pajama set he wore during his birthday live.

A mischievous grin spread across his face as he pulled out the set. Slipping into the comfortable fabric, San admired the playful design in the mirror.

Striding back into the kitchen, San made his entrance with a newfound confidence, the birthday pajamas adorning his frame. The others were already gathered around the table, diving into the feast Seonghwa had prepared. As he took his seat, the pajamas didn't go unnoticed.

Seonghwa, with an amused smile, nodded towards San's outfit. "I have to admit, those pajamas are pretty cute," he commented, a twinkle of humor in his eyes.

The rest of the dinner passed amidst a flurry of laughter and jokes. After the last bites of dinner were savored, San stood up, collecting the plates with a sense of purpose. "I've got this," he declared, a nod to the unspoken rule that whoever didn't cook took on the cleaning duties. "You guys relax."

As he filled the sink with soapy water, his mind trailed off to Wooyoung. Quickly, he shot off a reply, letting him know that he hadn't been forgotten. "Saved you some dinner—it's in the fridge. Eat when you get back," he texted.

Wooyoung's response came swiftly, a simple "Thank you" with the added assurance, "I'll be back soon." Content with the exchange, San focused back on the task at hand, scrubbing away with rhythmic efficiency.

Seonghwa disappeared momentarily to wash up, while Yunho found a comfortable seat at the bar, his thumbs dancing across his phone screen. The domestic scene unfolded with an easy harmony, each member falling into their own evening routine.

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