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The first hints of dawn barely touched the sky when San and Wooyoung stirred awake. Despite the early hour, there was an electric excitement in the air – today was the day of their MAMA performance.

Yawning, Wooyoung sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "It's today" he said, his voice rough with sleep but bright with anticipation.

San nodded, a wide, eager smile spreading across his face. "Yeah, let's kill it on stage," he replied, the thrill of the upcoming performance igniting a spark in his eyes. They shared a look of determination, knowing that all their hard work would culminate in this moment. Today was more than just a performance; it was a chance to shine.

They got out of bed, stretching out the last bits of sleepiness, their movements synced in a comfortable routine. The air was filled with a mix of nerves and excitement as they got ready, each action bringing them closer to the stage that awaited them.

They moved through the early morning with purpose, their minds focused on the performance. Today, they would stand together, not just as two individuals, but as part of a team ready to set the stage alight with their passion and talent. The MAMA performance wasn't just another show; it was a milestone, and they were ready to make it unforgettable.

Gathering in the living room, the atmosphere was buzzing with energy. The rest of the team was already there, everyone dressed and prepping for the day ahead.

"Ready to go?" Their manager called out, his voice a mix of enthusiasm and the slightest hint of anxiety.

Wooyoung and San joined the group, exchanging confident nods and fist bumps with their teammates. "Let's do this," Wooyoung said.

Together, they headed out the door, bound for the venue where they'd perform with all the fire and energy they'd been honing for weeks. This was it, the moment they'd all been waiting for.

The ride to the venue was a mix of last-minute vocal warm-ups and quiet reflection, the city passing by in a blur as they focused on the task ahead. Arriving at the venue, the scale of the event hit them. Fans were already gathering, their cheers a distant roar that promised an electric atmosphere.

"We've got this," San said, a reassuring presence among the nerves. "Just like we practiced."

Heads together, they made their way inside, the weight of their shared dreams and the support of their fans fueling their determination. Today, they'd give everything on stage, leaving no room for regrets, only the echo of a performance that would be remembered.

In the waiting room, the air hummed with a mix of adrenaline and quiet focus. Surrounded by the familiar faces of their team, they ran through the choreography in their minds, envisioning each step, each beat of the music.

"Rehearsal will be here before we know it," Hongjoong mentioned, breaking the concentrated silence.

"Yeah, let's use this time to center ourselves. Visualize the performance," Wooyoung suggested, closing his eyes for a moment, taking in a deep breath.

They all knew the importance of this rehearsal, the last opportunity to iron out any kinks. So they waited, each lost in their thoughts, mentally preparing to take the stage and rehearse with the same intensity as the actual performance. This was more than just practice; it was the prelude to their triumph.

Before they knew it, they were heading up to the stage. As the music cued up for their routine, everything was sharp and on-point until the stunt. Wooyoung leaped, but this time, his landing was off, and he came down awkwardly. A sharp intake of breath filled the room as he limped back to his feet, insisting on continuing despite the obvious pain. The routine finished, everyone breathed heavily. San immediately went to Wooyoung's side. "Are you okay?" He asked, Wooyoung just nodded.

"We're out of time," the stage manager announced, a glance at the clock confirming their worst timing fears.

Wooyoung's eyes were clouded with worry as they exited the stage. "What if I mess up like that during the show?" he whispered to San, the fear of a mistake haunting him.

"Don't worry, it was a one time thing. You won't mess it up," San reassured him, a comforting arm around his shoulders. The team would adapt and support him; they were in this together.

The rest of the day, Wooyoung was quieter than usual, his mind replaying the fall. The others noticed, offering quiet words of encouragement and silly jokes to lighten the mood.

Wooyoung's ankle still hurt from his previous fall, San tried his best to help but nothing relieved it. They huddled together, strategizing a safer approach for the big night.

"We'll tweak the choreo," the lead dancer suggested. "Make it slick without the risk. Instead of jumping off the front, step off the back. I'll move to the left and let you infront."

Wooyoung nodded, the knot in his stomach easing slightly. The quick thinking of his team boosted his spirits. They were more than just a group; they were a family on and off the stage. With a new plan was in place, and Wooyoung felt ready to face the stage. No fear, just determination.

Backstage, the air buzzed with anticipation. Wooyoung's heart raced, the earlier fall still a shadow in his mind especially now with his injured ankle. Just then, San stepped close, their foreheads touching in a moment of solidarity.

"You've got this," San murmured, his voice steady and sure. He handed him his prop, "I'm proud of you, no matter what." San said with a smile before leaving to take his place across the stage.

Wooyoung felt a surge of warmth from the gesture, the nervous energy transforming into a fierce resolve. They all stepped toward the stage entrance, the roar of the crowd chasing away the last of Wooyoung's doubts.

The lights blazed, the music swelled, and in that moment, all hesitation melted away. Wooyoung moved with a confidence that belied the day's earlier mishap, each step hitting the beat perfectly. San, at his side, matched him move for move, their chemistry undeniable. The crowd cheered them on as they executed the routine flawlessly. It was a performance that would be remembered, not for a misstep, but for the triumph over it.

As the final notes of the song faded, the cheers of the audience filled the venue. Wooyoung and San's eyes met, a silent exchange of triumph and relief passing between them. They had done it; they had turned potential disaster into a moment of victory. The applause was thunderous, a testament to their hard work and resilience. They bowed deeply, hands still joined, a symbol of their unity and strength. Offstage, the rest of the team enveloped them in a group hug, the shared joy palpable.

The adrenaline of their performance gradually subsided as they settled down to watch the rest of the award show. The atmosphere was electric, each announcement and performance adding to the night's excitement. They cheered for their peers, shared knowing smiles over inside jokes, and let the music fill them. As awards were handed out, they celebrated the successes of others, feeling a sense of community and camaraderie. The night was a tapestry of talent and celebration, and they were a part of it, basking in the shared love for their art.

The night wound down, and they retreated to the dressing room, the buzz of the evening still lingering in the air. As they changed out of their stage outfits, San and Wooyoung rarely moved more than a few steps apart. Their hands found each other's with an ease born of familiarity.

As they gathered their belongings, Seonghwa threw a playful glance toward San and Wooyoung, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Hey, San," he teased, "you do realize you're not actually glued to Wooyoung, right?" Laughter bubbled up among them, a light-hearted end to an unforgettable night.

San shot back a mock glare at Seonghwa, but the smile tugging at his lips betrayed his amusement. He squeezed Wooyoung's hand with a chuckle. It was moments like these, behind the scenes and away from the spotlight, that truly defined their bond.

The playful banter continued, and although their closeness might raise eyebrows outside their circle, within the safety of the group, it was just typical Woosan behavior. Their secret remained safe, unspoken yet understood, and nobody in the room questioned the affectionate display.

They made their way to the cars, the night air cool against their skin, a soft contrast to the warmth of the evening's events. The drive back to the dorm was quiet, a collective exhale as the energy of the night began to settle. Once there, they found comfort in each other's presence, ending the night as they started it: in an embrace that felt like home.

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