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My heart raced as I pulled Wooyoung closer, our lips locked in a passionate kiss. The dim light in the hotel room cast a warm glow, making the moment feel even more intimate. I felt Wooyoung's hands on my back, fingers digging in slightly as if afraid to let go.

I guided him toward the bed, our lips never parting. As we reached the edge, I moved my hands to the hem of his shirt, lifting it slowly. He raised his arms, letting the fabric slip off easily, revealing his bare chest. My breath caught in my throat.

"You're beautiful," I whispered, my voice thick with emotion and desire.

Wooyoung's eyes met mine, filled with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. I moved my fingers to his waistband, deftly unbuttoning and unzipping his jeans. He shivered slightly as the fabric slid down his legs, leaving him standing in just his underwear.

I took a step back, letting my eyes roam over his body, drinking in every detail. He reached out, tugging at my shirt, and I quickly obliged, stripping off my own clothes until we were both standing in our underwear. The air between us crackled with tension and desire.

I leaned in again, capturing his lips in another searing kiss as I gently guided him onto the bed. Hovering over him, I let my hands explore his body, feeling the softness of his skin and the subtle tremors of anticipation.

Every touch, every kiss, felt like a promise—a reaffirmation of our love and the future we were building together. My hands roamed, eliciting soft gasps and moans from him, each sound fueling my own desire. I whispered reassurances, my touch tender and loving, ensuring he felt cherished and safe.

I kissed down his neck, feeling his pulse quicken under my lips. Each touch drew us closer, the world outside fading into oblivion. His skin was warm and soft, and I could feel the heat radiating from his body, matching the fire within me.

Wooyoung's fingers traced the lines of my shoulders, sending shivers down my spine. I moved lower, my lips brushing over his collarbone, savoring the taste of his skin. Wooyoung's breath hitched, a soft moan escaping his lips, urging me on.

"San..." he whispered, his voice a mix of need and longing.

I looked up, meeting his eyes. There was so much emotion in them—love, desire, vulnerability. It made my heart swell. I leaned in, capturing his lips once more, my hand sliding down to rest on his hip.

He arched into me, his body responding to every touch, every kiss. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest, a steady rhythm that matched my own. My hand slipped beneath the waistband of his boxers, feeling the warmth of his skin. His breath hitched again, the anticipation evident in his eyes.

"Are you sure?" I asked softly.

"Yes," he breathed, his eyes filled with trust and longing.

With a nod, I slowly removed the last barrier between us as I kissed down his body, taking my time to make sure he felt comfortable and cherished. He watched me with hooded eyes, his breath coming in soft pants. I took in the sight of him, the way his chest rose and fell, the way his lips parted slightly, the look of complete desire on his face. My hands explored his body, memorizing every curve.

I moved over him, pressing our bodies together, the sensation overwhelming. Our kisses grew hungrier, more desperate, as we let ourselves be consumed by the moment. "Have you ever-," he cut me off, "no." I subconsciously grinned knowing i'ld be his first. "Okay baby wait here," I said getting up from the bed. I walked towards the dresser in the room, grabbing a small bottle of lube from the top bin. This is probably the first time i've ever been grateful to be staying in a hotel.

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