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The next morning, I woke up to the sound of San quietly rummaging through his closet for clothes. I stayed silent, my eyes following his every movement. The air in the room felt thick with tension, and the cold aura radiating from him was almost palpable. I felt a knot of anxiety tighten in my stomach, intimidated by his icy demeanor. I wanted to say something, anything, to break the silence, but the words seemed to get stuck in my throat. Instead, I just watched as he gathered his things and left the room without a single glance in my direction. The door closed softly behind him, but the weight of his absence lingered heavily in the room.

I got up and started getting ready for our set list run-through practice. It was going to be a long day, but I couldn't help feeling a spark of excitement. After being on hiatus for what felt like forever, I was finally back. As I brushed my teeth and splashed water on my face, I tried to shake off the lingering tension from the morning. Today was supposed to be a fresh start, a chance to pour all my energy into our performance. I reminded myself of that as I pulled on my practice clothes and headed out, determined to make the most of the day despite the rocky start.

I grabbed a muffin from the kitchen and followed the other members out the door. We all piled into our company cars and headed to a gymnasium for practice. Yeosang and I sat next to each other, chit-chatting the whole way.

"Hey, Wooyoung," Yeosang said, turning to me with a curious look. "Are you nervous to be back after the hiatus?"

I took a bite of my muffin and thought for a moment. "A little bit," I admitted. "But mostly I'm just excited. I missed performing and being with everyone."

Yeosang nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Yeah, I get that. It's been weird without you around. The energy just hasn't been the same."

I laughed, feeling a bit more at ease. "Well, I'm back now, so let's make today count."

We continued to chat about the set list and our plans for the day, laughing and joking to keep the mood light. But I could feel San's eyes burning into the back of my head from where he sat behind us. His jealousy was almost tangible, making the air feel heavy again. I tried to ignore it, focusing instead on the conversation with Yeosang and the excitement bubbling up inside me for the practice ahead.

We arrived at the gymnasium and all went in, greeting the staff with smiles and waves. The atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation. After a few quick hellos, we got straight to work. We started with a quick vocal run-through to make sure everyone was warmed up and ready. The harmonies flowed smoothly, and it felt good to hear our voices blending together again.

Once the vocal warm-up was done, we moved on to adding the choreography. The familiar beats of our songs filled the gymnasium as we practiced our dance moves, making sure every step was sharp and in sync. The staff brought out the props we would be using, and we incorporated them into our routine, making adjustments as needed.

"Alright, let's take it from the top!" our choreographer called out, clapping his hands to get our attention. We all nodded, feeling the adrenaline start to kick in. This was it—the moment we'd been waiting for. The hiatus was over, and I was back, ready to give it my all.

We ran through the whole set list a couple of times, tweaking things here and there. The hours flew by as we perfected each move and nailed every note. By the time we finally got to call it a day, we were all exhausted but satisfied with our hard work.

I was particularly happy with how our practice went. The energy was high, and everyone seemed to be in sync. But despite the successful day, I still couldn't shake the feeling of unease. San's demeanor had been off all day, and we hadn't spoken a word to each other. His usual cheerfulness was replaced with a cold, distant attitude that weighed heavily on my mind.

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