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San was in his element, the live stream connecting him with fans across the globe. His laughter was genuine as he shared anecdotes, "And then, believe it or not, Jongho lost another charger. That's the third one this week!" He chuckled, shaking his head at the absurdity of their domestic life.

The fans ate it up, flooding the chat with laughing emojis and affectionate teasing. San read a few comments aloud, "No, no, Yunho's hair is fine, it's just the lighting, I promise!"

In the midst of this warm interaction, the sudden ding of his phone sliced through the chatter. San excused himself with a finger up, "Hold on, Atiny, let me just check this," he said, his eyes scanning the notification. His face softened as he read the message from Wooyoung, a mix of concern and fondness crossing his features.

"Ah, it's Wooyoung," he told the fans, a smile tugging at his lips despite the worry in his eyes. "He's on his way back. You know, he's been working so hard lately. We all have, but... make sure you send him lots of love, okay?"

With a warm smile, San addressed the camera, "Alright, Atiny, let's get Wooyoung's dinner ready. Seonghwa hyung made this amazing stew earlier; I'm just going to heat it up for him." He lifted the phone, carrying his audience with him in a smooth motion, as he walked towards the kitchen.

The comments section became a flurry of heart emojis and messages like "San is the best!" and "So sweet of you!" He read them, his smile widening, and he couldn't help but chuckle. "You guys are too much," he said, full of affection for his fans.

San set the phone on the counter, angling it so the viewers had a clear view of the stovetop. He pulled out the stew, its rich aroma filling the kitchen, and poured it into a pot. "Hyung really outdid himself this time," he said, turning on the stove and stirring the stew gently.

The fans were virtually there with him, watching as he moved around the kitchen with a practiced ease, the homely sounds of dinner being warmed up filling the air. "Wooyoung's going to love this," San mused aloud, the anticipation of his boyfriend's reaction bringing a contented light to his eyes.

Once the stew was heated through, San turned down the flame and chatted with the fans, answering questions and laughing at their comments. The cozy ambiance of the kitchen was almost palpable through the screen, and the fans felt a part of the warm, inviting atmosphere.

The sound of the dorm door opening caught San's attention mid-sentence. He glanced over, and his smile instantly brightened, "Wooyoung's back!" he exclaimed, setting the wooden spoon down. He moved off-camera, greeting his boyfriend with a soft, affectionate kiss, just out of view. "Guys, Wooyoung is here!" he called out, his voice filled with happiness.

From somewhere off-screen, Wooyoung's voice floated in, "Hello, everyone!" Though not on camera, his presence was felt, and the comments exploded with excited messages and greetings for Wooyoung. San's laughter mingled with the sounds of the kitchen, the live stream turning into an intimate snapshot of their lives together.

San reappeared in the frame, his eyes following Wooyoung as he headed towards San's room. "He's gonna wash up first," San explained to the camera, the domesticity of the moment not lost on the fans who were watching. He turned back to the stove, giving the stew another stir. "I'll keep this warm for you!" he called after Wooyoung, his voice carrying a note of tenderness.

The chat was buzzing with affectionate comments, the viewers clearly enjoying the glimpse into San and Wooyoung's everyday interactions. San chatted with the fans, his demeanor relaxed and happy.

With Wooyoung freshening up, San took the opportunity to prepare a bowl for him. He carefully ladled the stew, making sure to get a good mix of all the ingredients. As he set the bowl on the table, he glanced at the screen, noticing a comment pop up, "Where was Wooyoung?"

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