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Stepping into Mingi's studio felt different this time. The usual creative sanctuary now served as the backdrop for something far more serious. I could feel the heaviness in the air, though I try to ignore it.

I sat down, the chair unfamiliar beneath me. My hand was steady as I looked down at my phone, the gravity of the situation made my heart race.

The "Go Live" button beckoned, not as an invitation to share art or laughter, but as a call to shed light on darkness. I knew the risks, the potential fallout, but the truth was a powerful motivator, impossible to ignore.

Pressing the button, I felt the finality of my decision. The screen blinked, and the word 'Live' cast a red hue. Comments immediately started to flood in. Some asking to confirm the rumors, some emojis, and some in languages I didn't even understand.

"Hey, it's Hongjoong," I said, my voice calm but firm. While trying to figure out how to start the conversation I caught a glimpse of a comment that floated up on the screen, "Why do you look sad?" I read out loud. The words resonated with me, and I knew I couldn't mask my feelings. "I am sad," I admitted, my voice a mixture of sorrow and resolve. "I'm watching people I love get torn down by those who misuse their power." The comments are now filled with questions wondering who I could be talking about.

Pausing for a moment, I collected my thoughts, aware that my next words could change everything. "I might get in a lot of trouble for sharing this, but I can't stand by silently. I am a leader and I need to take care of my team." The weight of my confession was like a stone in my chest, heavy and unyielding.

Taking a deep breath, I continued, "Wooyoung and San have been dating for a couple of months now, in secret. Though you guys probably already knew that due to the leak." I confirmed the rumors and acknowledged the photos that fans had been speculating about. "They wanted to tell you themselves," I said, my voice tinged with a mix of pride and sadness, "but now, the CEO has threatened to put them on hiatus if they don't end their relationship."

The emotion was building up inside me as I recounted the private moments I had witnessed, "I've seen them break down in each other's arms, torn between their love for each other and their dedication to their passion and you, the fans." My voice cracked, betraying the emotional turmoil that we were all feeling. "It's not fair to them, and it's not fair to you." The live feed was more than just a broadcast now; it was a plea for understanding, a call for compassion in a world that often seemed to lack it.

Emotions thick in the air, my eyes glistened with unshed tears. I looked into the camera, my gaze piercing through the digital divide to reach the hearts of fans worldwide. "This isn't just about a company's decision or an idol's image," i spoke with a conviction that made my voice tremble. "It's about the right to love freely, to be true to oneself."

The fans watching could feel the raw honesty in my words, a complete contrast to the polished performances and monitored lives they were used to. I was no longer just the leader of the group; I was a defender of my members' happiness, a voice for the voiceless.

"Their love is beautiful," I continued, my voice growing stronger with each word. "Wooyoung and San have found something precious, something that many search for their entire lives. It's not something to be hidden away or used as a bargaining chip."

I took a moment, closing eyes as I gathered his resolve. "I know this might have consequences, but silence would mean being complicit in their pain. We're supposed to be a family, and families stand up for each other."

The chat erupted with messages of support and love, the community rallying behind their idols in a wave of solidarity. I watched as the screen lit up with heart emojis and encouraging words, confirming that ATINY will always have our backs.

My gaze lingered on the camera, my expression softening as I addressed the fans once more. "We're in this together, and we need your support now more than ever," my voice a gentle plea. "Please, uplift Wooyoung and San with your love and kindness. They deserve the world, and your support means everything to us."

I paused, taking a deep breath to steady my emotions. "And I want to ask you, from the bottom of my heart, if there are any repercussions from this live broadcast, please don't hold it against any of the members. This situation is beyond our control; it's in the hands of the company."

With that, I said my goodbyes and ended the live stream. Leaning back with a deep sigh, I ran my fingers through my hair. "Did I make the right choice?" I questioned myself. I shook my head, tossing those thoughts aside and got up to leave the room.

I quickly entered my studio and saw Seonghwa sitting on the couch talking to the couple. They all turned and looked at me when they heard the door click shut. With a proud smile i stated, "I took care of it."

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