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The word echos through my head. An argument has broken out between the CEO and members, but i can't hear anything. Everything is moving in slow motion as my chest begins to hurt. My vision blurs as my tears build up. My whole world is crashing down in front of me, and i have no way of saving it.

I'm standing there, the world around me just noise and blur. It's like I'm looking at everything through a thick fog. I can't help but get lost in my own head, Why did things go down this way? How could everything just flip upside down so fast? It's like the universe is playing some sick joke, snatching away the one person who made everything make sense.

Just when it feels like I'm about to drown in it all, something pulls me back. It's Seonghwa. His hands are on me before I even realize it, and suddenly I'm not falling anymore. His arms around me feel like a lifeline. "I got you," he whispered.

I cling to it, my hands gripping the back of his shirt as if I could hold onto him and never let go. "I can't lose him," I whisper, the words barely making it past the lump in my throat.

"I know, I know," Seonghwa murmurs, his voice a soft rumble against my ear. "It's unfair and it hurts like hell, but you're not alone in this."

His words soothing the raw edges of my pain. I take a shaky breath, feeling the steady thump of his heart against mine. He pulls back just enough to look at me, his hands cupping my face, thumbs wiping away the tears I didn't even realize were falling. "I'll go on hiatus. I'ld rather have nothing than not have him," I whispered.

Seonghwa's expression shifts, his eyebrows furrowed reflecting his own pain. "They can't do that to you, San. It's not right," he says, his voice firm with conviction.

I shake my head, feeling the dread settle in my stomach. "But they can, and they will if Wooyoung and I don't... if we don't end things. It's like we have to choose between our happiness and our dreams."

"That's a choice no one should ever have to make," Seonghwa replies, his jaw set. "You love him, and that shouldn't be something you're punished for."

I can feel the fight rising in me, fueled by Seonghwa's unwavering support. "I don't want to hide who I am, not for them, not for anyone."

"Then don't," Seonghwa says, his voice leaving no room for argument. "We'll figure this out, together. You have me, you have the others, and most importantly, you have Wooyoung. We're a team, remember?"

His words are like a light in the dark chaos, and I nod, feeling the strength in our unity. "Yeah, we're a team," I spoke, and for the first time since the threat was made, I feel like we might just have a fighting chance.

Slipping out of my mind, I now realize the once chaotic room is silent. I look around to see the room empty. "Where's Wooyoung?" I whispered, with a pang of anxiety, dreading the possible answers that might follow.

Seonghwa's expression was soft, but his eyes, they couldn't hide the concern that flickered within. "He went with Hongjoong," he spoke gently. "The CEO given us an hour to decide, and they needed some space to think things through. They're at Hongjoong's studio."

A wave of longing crashed over me, the need to see Wooyoung overwhelming. The thought of being apart from him, especially now, was unbearable. "Can we go to him? I need to see him," I blurted out, my words driven by the frantic pounding of my heart.

Seonghwa nodded, his understanding evident. He reached out to me,"Let's go," and together, we moved through the silent corridors, my footsteps echoing.

Approaching the door to Hongjoong's studio, the muffled sounds of a deep discussion seeped through the door. Seonghwa knocked softly, a respectful prelude to entering the studio.

Hongjoong swung open the door, the distress clear on his face. Seonghwa, who was standing in front of me, moved over giving me a nod to enter. Hongjoong opened the door wider, stepping out into the hallway.

As the door opened wider, I caught sight of Wooyoung's face, streaked with the trails of tears he'd tried to hide. Without a second thought, I closed the distance between us and pulled him into a hug. It was tight, a hug filled with all the love and shared history between us. It was a silent promise that I was there for him, no matter what.

While holding him in my arms, his body trembling with suppressed sobs. Wooyoung clung to me, his grip desperate, as if he feared I'd vanish if he dared let go. I could feel his heart beating against mine, fast and unsteady.

I cradled the back of Wooyoung's head, my hand threading through his hair, offering whatever comfort I could. "It's okay, Woo," I murmured, my voice thick with emotion. "I've got you. We'll get through this together." My own tears were impossible to hold back, but that didn't matter. Right now, all that mattered was that we were there for each other, sharing in our vulnerability and finding strength in our bond.

As Wooyoung's sobs filled the space between us, I held him tighter, trying to will my strength into him through our embrace. "It's okay, my love," I whispered softly, my lips brushing against the shell of his ear. "Let it all out. I'm right here with you."

He shuddered, his breath ragged, but the tension began to disappear from his shoulders as my words reach him. "San..." he murmured, his voice laced with vulnerability.

"Don't worry, baby. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere," I assured him, my hand stroking the back of his head in a comforting rhythm. "You mean everything to me. We're going to get through this, just like we always do, together."

His grip on my shirt loosened slightly, but he remained close, seeking comfort in my presence. "I'm scared, San," he confessed into the fabric of my shirt.

"I know, my love, I know," I replied, feeling a pang in my chest at his words. "But I'm here, and I'll keep you safe. You don't have to be strong all the time. I've got you."

We stayed like that, two souls clinging to each other. As the minutes passed, Wooyoung's cries softened, and the storm of emotions gradually calmed. We remained entwined, a testament to the power of love and the comfort it brings even in the darkest of times.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong, their eyes glistening with emotion, were moved by the sight of their friends' intimate moment. Hongjoong, feeling a surge of protective instinct, turned to Seonghwa with a solemn look.

"We've got to look out for them, Seonghwa," Hongjoong said, his voice low but firm. "They deserve better than this."

Seonghwa nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility on their shoulders. "I know, Hongjoong. I'd go to the ends of the earth for them. We all would."

Hongjoong's eyes met Seonghwa's. With a determined breath he pulled out his phone. "I'm going to take care of this. No one messes with our family."

Seonghwa watched as Hongjoong pulled out his phone and stepped into the next room, Mingi's studio. Unsure of what he may do, Seonghwa knows Hongjoong will protect his team. He turned his attention back to the couple. "Let's sit and talk about things," Seonghwa announced making his way into the studio.

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