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"Wooyoung," San's voice was a mere whisper, yet it cut through the silence with the sharpness of glass.

Wooyoung's eyes, glistening with unshed tears, met San's. "You've been so distant lately," Wooyoung began, his voice a mix of accusation and vulnerability. "Like when you snapped at me in the studio. It's like you can't stand to be near me," his voice trembling.

San felt a pang of guilt, remembering the sharpness in his tone that day. "I know," he admitted, his voice thick with regret. "I've been harsh, more than I ever intended."

Wooyoung's gaze was unwavering. "Why have you been so cold to me? What did I do?"

San felt a tightness in his chest, the words he had kept locked away now fighting to break free. He walked further into his room, now standing in front of Wooyoung. "It's not what you did; it's what you didn't do," he said, his voice laced with a mix of pain and yearning. "What happen that night in the practice room. You told me to forget about it, you said it meant nothing."

The hurt he'd been nursing coming to the surface. His voice carried a weight of sincerity. "That encounter, it meant everything to me. I never want to forget it, not even for a second."

Wooyoung flinched, the memory of his own words stinging as much as they did when he first uttered them. "I was scared," he confessed, his voice breaking. "Scared of what it meant, scared of what I felt, scared of what could happen if I didn't push you away."

He dropped his head, tears escaping down his cheeks. "Scared that if I pulled you any closer, I wouldn't be able to let go," he admitted.

San's heart clenched at the raw honesty in Wooyoung's voice. The walls he had built around himself began to crumble, revealing the vulnerability he had tried so hard to hide. He raised Wooyoung's chin to meet his gaze. "I was scared too," San whispered, "I was scared because... because I want to be close to you. More than anything," San said, his own eyes now brimming with tears

"It's just that... every time I'm near you, it feels like I'm fighting a battle within myself,"He admitted.

Wooyoung's heart ached at the confession, seeing the inner turmoil reflected in San's eyes. "Why, San? Why fight it?" he implored, his own emotions threatening to overwhelm him.

"Because I'm afraid to admit who I really am," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. Wooyoung reached up, holding San's hand. He listened closely as San continued. "The others... the media... everyone's opinions." San's voice cracked, "I'm terrified of what they'll think, of how they'll look at us."

Wooyoung squeezed his hand. "Let them look, San. We'll face them together." He stood up, closing the distance until they were mere inches apart. He raised his hand, resting it on San's cheek.

Their eyes met again but this time with an intensity that held the world at bay. "I don't care about their looks or words. I want to be with you, that's all that matters. Yes, I'm scared too, but my feelings for you... they outweigh the fear by far."

"I love you, Wooyoung. I have since the day you walked into the practice room" San confessed with tears streaming down his cheeks. "I love you, and I can't pretend anymore. I don't want to be afraid anymore. Not when it comes to you."

Wooyoung's heart swelled with a mixture of relief and love, his own tears mirroring San's. Their confessions hung in the air, a fragile bridge built over the chasm that had separated them. "Will you be mine Woo?" he asked softly.

They moved closer, as if drawn by a force greater than themselves. Without another word, Wooyoung reached out, pulling San by his shirt into a sweet, tender kiss, sealing their confessions and washing away their fears. "I forever will be, San"

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