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"Why are you so damn insecure?"

The words echoed in my head. I was speechless. All I could do was stare at Wooyoung, the hurt displayed on my face. His expression didn't change. He stared back at me with cold eyes.

I felt a lump forming in my throat, and my chest tightened. How could he say that? Didn't he understand how much I cared about him? The silence between us was deafening, each second stretching into an eternity. I wanted to say something, anything, to make him see how much his words had wounded me, but the words wouldn't come.

I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. The silence between us was unbearable. Suddenly, Wooyoung walked past me, bumping into my shoulder roughly. I stumbled slightly, the physical impact barely registering compared to the emotional blow.

I watched in disbelief as he headed to his closet and started pulling out clothes, throwing them into a suitcase with a cold determination. My throat tightened, and I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I finally managed to ask, my voice barely above a whisper, teetering on the edge of breaking.

Wooyoung didn't reply. He just kept packing, each item he tossed into the suitcase feeling like a nail in the coffin of our relationship. The silence was deafening, and the tears I had been holding back began to spill over.

I stood there, feeling utterly helpless, as Wooyoung continued to pack, the distance between us growing with every second.

I asked again, my voice trembling more than before, "What are you doing?" Finally, Wooyoung looked up at me, his expression unreadable. "I'm going to stay with my family for a bit," he said flatly, his eyes avoiding mine.

"Why?" My voice cracked with desperation, my heart pounding in my chest.

"Because I don't want to be around you right now," he replied, his tone devoid of emotion, each word cutting through me like a knife.

I felt a fresh wave of pain wash over me. "You're being so cold," I accused, my voice barely holding up, my eyes searching his for any sign of the warmth that used to be there.

He said nothing, just continued packing with a mechanical efficiency. The silence was like a chasm between us, growing wider with every second, filled with all the words we weren't saying.

When he finally finished packing, he zipped up his suitcase with a finality that made my heart sink even further. He headed towards the door, his steps heavy with determination. I moved quickly, blocking his path, my arms outstretched as if I could physically hold him back from leaving.

"Please, don't leave baby," I pleaded, my voice breaking, tears streaming down my face. "We can talk about this. We can fix it."

His eyes hardened, his jaw set in a determined line. "Move out of the way, San," he said, his voice firm and unyielding. He looked at me, his gaze unwavering, but there was no trace of the affection that was once there.

"It can't be fixed, San," he said, his voice cold and final. "This is over."

My heart shattered again as I slowly stepped aside, my body trembling. He walked past me without another word, the door closing behind him with a final, echoing thud. I stood there, feeling utterly alone, the silence of the room pressing down on me like a weight I could barely bear.

I stood there in disbelief. Did we really just break up? Did he really just leave me? I felt as if I couldn't breathe. Tears streamed down my face and my body trembled like never before. The door to my room opened. Seonghwa came in.

"Where Wooyoung was going," he asked unaware of what just happened. He gasped when he saw the state I was in. My legs went limp and I fell to my knees sobbing uncontrollably. He quickly came to me holding my trembling body. I sobbed, loud. I couldn't breathe, my vision was blurry. I could see bodies standing in my doorway but I couldn't make out who they were.

Seonghwa's arms wrapped around me tightly, his voice a soothing murmur in my ear, though I could barely make out the words. "San, breathe please." His concern was palpable, his grip steadying me as I continued to sob, my chest heaving with the effort to draw in air.

The figures at the doorway began to move closer, and through my blurred vision, I could make out Hongjoong and Yunho. Their faces were etched with worry and confusion. Hongjoong knelt beside me, his hand resting gently on my shoulder, while Yunho hovered nearby, looking as if he wanted to help but unsure how.

"San, what happened?" Hongjoong asked softly, his voice a mix of concern and urgency. I tried to speak, but the words caught in my throat, choked by the overwhelming pain and the reality of what had just transpired. "It's going to be okay," Seonghwa whispered, even though I knew he had no idea what had just transpired. The weight of the breakup felt like a crushing force on my chest, and I couldn't see how anything could ever be okay again.

Seonghwa gently helped me to my feet and guided me to the bed, sitting down beside me. "Take a deep breath," he said softly, rubbing my back in soothing circles. Hongjoong sat to the right of me, placing his hand on my shoulder again to give some comfort.

Seonghwa continued to rub my back, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of my emotions. "Wooyoung... he left," I finally managed to whisper between sobs, the words feeling foreign and heavy on my tongue. "He said it's over."

The room fell silent, the weight of my confession hanging in the air. Seonghwa's eyes widened in shock, and he pulled me into a hug, his embrace offering a small measure of comfort amidst the overwhelming pain. Hongjoong's grip on my shoulder tightened slightly, and Yunho's face fell, his eyes reflecting the shock and sadness that mirrored my own.

For a while, we sat there in silence, the only sound being my quiet sobs. Seonghwa didn't push me to talk, instead, he just stayed by my side. Yunho and Hongjoong joined the hug. "We are here for you San," Yunho said gently. My tears soaked Seonghwa's shirt but he didn't care. He continued to hold me as close as possible.

Some time had passed. Hongjoong and Yunho had left the room, leaving only me and Seonghwa. I was now laying down while he sat next to me, brushing his hand through my hair. The room was quiet, except for the soft hum of the air conditioner. My sobs had subsided into occasional sniffles, and I felt a dull ache in my chest.

Seonghwa's gentle touch was soothing, and I could feel the tension slowly melting away. His presence was a comforting anchor in the storm of emotions that had overwhelmed me.

"Thank you for staying with me," I whispered, my voice hoarse from crying.

He looked down at me, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Of course. I wouldn't leave you alone right now."

I closed my eyes, focusing on the rhythmic motion of his hand through my hair. It was a simple gesture, but it meant the world to me in that moment. I could feel the warmth of his hand, the tenderness in his touch.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked gently, not wanting to push me but offering a listening ear.

I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. "I just... I don't understand. We got into an argument about the Yeosang thing and before I knew it, he was packing his things and broke up with me."

Seonghwa nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Sometimes people need space to process situations and emotions. Wooyoung tends to make rash decisions in the moment. Give him time. He loves you so much, just let him have some space right now."

As I lay there, feeling the gentle caress of his hand through my hair, I began to believe that maybe, just maybe, I would be okay. Maybe this would all be temporary.

I drifted off to sleep, the exhaustion from the emotional turmoil finally catching up to me. As my eyes closed, I held onto a sliver of hope that when I woke up, the love of my life would be back by my side. The thought of seeing his face, hearing his voice, and feeling his embrace brought a small, bittersweet comfort to my heart. Even in the midst of my pain, that hope was enough to carry me into the realm of dreams.
♡ i'm so sorry...

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